内容推荐 “新时代商务英语综合教程”由清华大学出版社与圣智出版公司联袂打造的商务英语专业教材,以原教材剑桥商务英语的非常不错体系为框架,又兼顾中国商务英语专业学生的特点和需求,平衡语言技能、商务文化和商务知识,提升学生的商务英语综合应用能力。 本册书是“新时代商务英语综合教程”的第3本,包含8个教学单元和2个复习测试单元,每个单元围绕一个话题,两篇课文相互联系又各有侧重并配有相应的音频。每个音频都配有二维码,学生可扫码听音。 目录 UNIT 1 Teamwork \t2 Warming up\t4 \tNo longer Poles apart\t5 Business know-how\t12 \tArranging a course\t13 UNIT 2 Corporate hospitality\t20 Warming up\t22 \tTraining to be entertaining and making it pay\t23 Business know-how\t30 \tArranging a company visit\t31 UNIT 3 Public relations\t38 Warming up\t40 \tWhat is public relations?\t40 Business know-how\t47 \tOrganising a PR event\t48 UNIT 4 Ordering goods\t56 Warming up\t58 \tPlacing an order\t58 Business know-how\t64 \tDiscussing changes\t65 Review Test 1\t72 UNIT 5 Relocation\t82 Warming up\t84 \tWhy do people relocate?\t84 Business know-how\t93 \tFinding the right location\t94 UNIT 6 Work safety and rights\t100 Warming up\t102 \tHow safe is your workplace?\t102 Business know-how\t111 \tIs posting comments always a good idea?\t112 UNIT 7 Business expenses\t118 Warming up\t120 \tTaking on the grown-ups\t121 Business know-how\t130 \tA new expenses claims system\t131 UNIT 8 Staff appraisal\t138 Warming up\t140 \tStaff appraisals—more trouble than they’re worth?\t141 Business know-how\t148 \tThe role of appraisals\t149 Case study Cash flow\t156 Warming up\t158 . The cash flow gap\t158 Business know-how\t164 . Improving cash flow\t165 Review Test 2\t172 |