Chapter 1 Spe Policy Study on Global Ocean Governance andEcological Civilization
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Status and Trends
1.3 Challenges to the Management of Living Marine Resources
1.4 Progress on Policies for Management of Living Marine Resources in China
1.5 International Experience in Management of Living Marine Resources
1.6 Recommendations
Chapter 2 2018 Policy Recommendations to China's State CouncilExecutive Summary
2.1 Introduction: Overcoming Global Shocks While Creating Green Opportunities
2.2 Specific Policy Recommendations
Chapter 3 Progress on Environment and Development Policies in China andImpact of CCICED's Policy Recommendations(2017-2018)
3.1 Foreword
3.2 Preface
3.3 Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization becomes A Guide for Ecologk
Environment Protection in the New Era
3.4 Planning for Environment and Development
3.5 Ecosystem and Biodiversity Conservation
3.6 Energy, Environment and Climate
3.7 Pollution Prevention and Control
3.8 Governance and Rule of Law
3.9 Regional and International Engagement
3.10 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Shocks, Innovation and Ecological Civilization A "New GreenEra" for China and for the World
4.1 Introduction
4.2 China's New Era
4.3 Global Green New Era
4.4 Innovation, Idealism and Pragmatism for a Sustainable Future
4.5 Realizing a Global Green New Era
4.6 CCICED Research Strategy in Phase VI
4.7 Issues: Aiming High 2020-2035
4.8 Conclusion