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书名 | 现代语言学理论综述 |
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作者 | 戴瑞亮 著 戴瑞亮,张建科 编 |
出版社 | 中国石油大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 戴瑞亮、张建科主编的《现代语言学理论综述》按理论流派分为四大部分——结构学派、功能学派、生成学派和认知学派。靠前部分包括靠前和第二章,分别论述了欧洲和美国的结构主义语言学理论;第二部分包括第三和第四章,依次介绍了布拉格学派和伦敦学派的功能语言学理论;第三部分以第五章一章全面系统地论述了被称为“语言学革命”的乔姆斯基转换生成语法理论;第四部分论及的是20世纪80年代以来刚刚兴起的认知语言学理论,该理论构成了当今语言学界的热点分支学科,所以该部分用了五章的篇幅分别探讨了认知语言学中的一些热点问题,如概念隐喻和概念转喻、意象图式和多义性、范畴化和理想化认知模型、象似性、概念合成理论等。本书的特点是紧贴研究生专业发展需要和理工科院校英语语言学硕士研究生培养目标要求,在选题上不求面面俱到,而是有取有舍,对选用的理论根据学生实际专业水平尽量做到论述系统全面,追本溯源,用学术性的语言呈现理论全貌。 目录 Part I Structuralism Chapter 1 Saussure. Father of Modern Linguistics 1.1 Ferdinand de Saussure 1.2 Nature of the linguistic sign 1.3 The relational nature of language units 1.4 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations 1.5 Langue and parole 1.6 Synchronic and diachronic studies 1.7 Saussure's influence Chapter 2 American Structuralism 2.1 Early period:Boas and Sapir 2.1.1 Franz Boas 2.1.2 Edward Sapir 2.1.3 Linguistic relativity 2.1.4 Linguistic relativity and cognitive linguistics 2.2 Leonard Bloomfield 2.2.1 Bloomfield the man 2.2.2 Bloomfield and behaviorism 2.2.3 Bloomfield and his Language 2.2.4 Strueturalism and language teaching 2.3 Conclusion Part II Functionalism Chapter 3 The Prague School 3.1 Historical background 3.2 Theories of language 3.3 Phonology and phonological opposition 3.4 Distinctive Features 3.5 Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP) Chapter 4 The London School 4.1 Malinowski's theories 4.2 Firth's theories 4.3 Halliday and Systemic-Functional Grammar 4.3.1 Halliday's philosophy of language 4.3.2 Systemic grammar 4.3.3 Functional grammar 4.3.4 Halliday and sociolinguistics Part III Generativism Chapter 5 Transformational-Generative Grammar 5.1 Chomsky's philosophy of language 5.1.1 Background 5.1.2 What is language? 5.1.3 The Innateness Hypothesis 5.1.4 Universal grammar and particular grammar 5.1.5 What is a generative grammar? 5.2 Stages of development of TG Grammar 5.2.1 The Classical Theory 5.2.2 The Standard Theory 5.2.3 The Extended Standard Theory 5.2.4 Later Theories 5.3 A comparison between TG Grammar and structural grammar Part IV Cognitivism Chapter 6 Metaphor and Metonymy 6.1 Metaphor 6.1.1 Metaphor in cognitive linguistics 6.1.2 Features of metaphor 6.1.3 The experiential basis of metaphor 6.2 Metonymy 6.3 Metaphor-metonymy interaction Chapter 7 Image Schema and Polysemy 7.1 Image schema 7.1.1 Containment schema 7.1.2 Path schema 7.1.3 Force schema 7.2 Polysemy 7.2.1 Prepositions 7.2.2 Modal verbs Chapter 8 Categorization and Idealized Cognitive Models 8.1 Categorization 8.1.1 The classical theory 8.1.2 The prototype theory 8.1.3 Levels of categorization 8.2 Idealized cognitive models 8.2.1 Characteristics of ICMs 8.2.2 Typicality effects from ICMs Chapter 9 Iconicity 9.1 Iconicity of order 9.1.1 Temporal order 9.1.2 Spatial order 9.1.3 Culture-motivated order 9.1.4 Word order related to asymmetry in cognition 9.2 Iconicity of distance 9.2.1 Causation 9.2.2 Coordination 9.2.3 Possession 9.2.4 Negation 9.2.5 Internal structure of word 9.2.6 Multi-modifier construction 9.2.7 Attributive clause 9.2.8 Subjunctive mood 9.3 Iconicity of quantity 9.3.1 Word form 9.3.2 Emphatic sentence 9.3.3 Exclamatory sentence 9.3.4 Sentence of politeness 9.3.5 Other structures 9.4 Philosophical interpretation of iconicity 9.5 Iconicity and other competing principles 9.5.1 Iconicity and economy 9.5.2 Iconicity and pragmatic principles 9.5.3 Iconicity and abstract syntactic conventions Chapter 10 Conceptual Blending., 10.1 The origins of Blending Theory 10.2 Towards a theory of conceptual integration 10.3 The nature of blending 10.3.1 The elements of conceptual blending 10.3.2 Further linguistic examples 10.3.3 Non-linguistic examples 10.4 Contrasting Blending Theory with Conceptual Metaphor Theory Bibliography |
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