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书名 格物建新
作者 中国科学院半导体研究所
出版社 科学出版社

部分 自述
第二部分 学术论文选编
Generalized lower-hybrid-drift instability
Hole subbands in quantum wells and superlattices
Theoretical analysis of electronic structures of short-period superlattices(GaAs)
(AlAs)n and corresponding alloys Aln/(m+n)Gam/(m+n)As
Theory of hole resonant tunneling in quantum-well structures
Pseudopotential approach to long-period narrow-gap superlattices
Theory of anisotropic donor states in quantum-well structures
Electronic structures of zero-dimensional quantum wells
Electronic structures of superlattices under in-plane magnetic field
Γ-X mixing effect in GaAs/AlAs superlattices and heterojunctions
Electronic structures and optical properties of short-period GaAs/A1As superlattices
Semiclassical and envelope-function treatment of magnetic levels in superlattices under
an in-plane magnetic field
Electronic structures of GdAs/GaAs superlattices
Effective-mass theory for superlattices grown on(11N)-oriented substrates
Quantum waveguide theory for mesoscopic structures
Theory of the electronic structure of porous Si
Temperature effect on porous silicon luminescence
Exciton states in the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs corrugated superlattices grown on (311)-oriented substrates
A transfer matrix approach to conductance in quantum waveguides
On the soft wall guiding potentials in realistic quantum waveguides
Electronic structure of quantum spheres and quantum wires
Linear polarization of photoluminescence in quantum wires
Exciton states in isolated quantum wires
Quantum confinement effect in thin quantum wires
Electronic structure and optical transition of semiconductor nanocrystallites
Electronic structure of quantum spheres with wurtzite structure
Exciton states and optical spectra in CdSe nanocrystallite quantum dots
Hole levels and exciton states in CdS nanocrystals
Optical spectra of CdSe nanocrystals under hydrostatic pressure
Electronic structure and transport properties of quantum rings in a magnetic field
Electronic structure and optical properties of quantum rods with wurtzite structure
Resonant tunneling of holes in GaMnAs-related double-barrier structures
Resonant tunneling theory of planar quantum dot structures
Quantum waveguide theory for hole transport in mesoscopic structures
Effects of electric field on the electronic structure and optical properties of quantum rods with wurtzite structure
Effects of magnetic field on the electronic structure of wurtzite quantum dots: Calculations using effective-mass envelope function theory
Mean-field study of Fe2+- and Co2+- doped diluted magnetic semiconductors
Effects of shape and magnetic field on the optical properties of wurtzite quantum rods
Photonic band structures of two-dimensional photonic crystals with deformed lattices
Two-dimensional photonic band-gap defect modes with deformed lattice
Optical properties of GaN wurtzite quantum wires
Electronic structure of ZnO wurtzite quantum wires
Rashba spin-orbit coupling in InSb nanowires under transverse electric field
Electronic structure of Mn-doped ZnO quantum wires: A mean-field theory study
High and electric field tunable Curie temperature in diluted magnetic semiconductor nanowires and nanoslabs
Influence of N doping on the Rashba coefficient,semiconductor-metal transition,
and electron effective mass in InSb1-xNx nanowires:Ten-band kp model
Giant and zero electron g factors of dilute nitride semiconductor nanowires
Hole Rashba effect and g-factor in InP nanowires
One-dimensional quantum waveguide theory of Rashba electrons
Spin polarization in one dimensional ring with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
Photonic band structure of one.dimensional metal/dielectric structures calculated by
the plane―wave expansion method
Photonic band structure of two―dimensional metal/dielectric photonic crystals
第三部分 媒体报道
第四部分 附录




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