内容推荐 在服务和参与“一带一路”建设中,需要加大对“一带一路”沿线国家法治状况进行系统研究的力度,建立法律合作和投资领域解决争端的机制。本书介绍了奥地利、比利时、捷克三个国家的法律概况,主要包括(1)海关体系,如海关机构的权力、进出口检查规程和标准等;(2)对外贸易制度,如许可证制度、反倾销和技术壁垒等;(3)外国直接投资,如外国直接投资的优待措施,双边投资条约等;(4)货币银行体系,如外汇制度、银行制度等;(5)基础设施建设方面的法律,如项目融资、政府参与程度、外资参与限制等;(6)劳动管理方面的法律,如强制要求薪水、伤亡赔偿等;(7)环境法,如污染排放标准等;(8)纠纷解决方面的法律。 作者简介 王贵国,国家“千人计划”入选者、比较法靠前科学院(海牙)院士、浙江大学文科资历教授,兼任香港世界贸易组织研究中心、中国靠前经济法学会副会长等。 李鋈麟,香港全港各区工商联会会长、太平绅士。 目录 Austria About the Authors Introduction Chapter1 Customs System and Law Chapter2 Foreign Trade System and Law Chapter3 Foreign Direct Investment System and Law Chapter4 Monetary and Banking System and Law Chapter5 Laws Relating to Construction of Infrastructure Chapter6 Laws Relating to Labour Management and Treatment Chapter7 Enviromental Law Chapter8 Civil Court Proceedings,Arbitration and Mediation Belgium About the Authors Introduction Chapter1 Customs System and Law Chapter2 Foreign Trade System and Law Chapter3 Foreign Direct Investment and Law Chapter4 Monetary and Banking System and Law Chapter5 Laws Relating to Construction of Infrastructure Chapter6 Laws Relating to Labour Management and Treatment Chapter7 Environmental Law Chapter8 Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Concerning Foreign Entities Czech Republic About the Authors Introduction Chapter1 Customs System and Law Chapter2 Foreign Trade System and Law Chapter3 Foreign Direct Investment System and Law Chapter4 Monetary and Banking System and Law Chapter5 Laws Relating to Construction of Infrastructure Chapter6 Labour Management Chapter7 Environmental Law Chapter8 Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Concerning Foreign Entities |