内容推荐 《单纯复形在复杂系统中的应用研究》为单纯复形应用航天系统工程研究的书,单纯复形是拓扑学中的概念,指由点、线段、三角形等单纯形“粘合”而得的拓扑对象。单纯复形不应当与范畴同伦论中的单纯集合混淆。 目录 1 Introduction 1.1 Complex system 1.2 Complex networks 1.3 Simpli Complexes Bibliography 2 The World of Simpli Complexes 2.1 Geometric simpli complex 2.2 Abstract simpli complex 2.3 Simpli complex via relation 2.4 Characterization of simpli complexes 2.5 Summary Bibliography 3 How Do We Build Simpli Complexes 3.1 From complex networks (graphs) 3.2 From data in metric space 3.3 From time series 3.4 Summary Bibliography 4 SeveraIApplications of Simpli Complexes 4.1 Opinion exchange modeling 4.2 Topological description of the air traffic control network 4.3 Topological properties of dynamical systems 4.4 Instead of summary: Potential contributions to aeronautical science Bibliography 5 Take—home Messages 5.1 Briefbook summary 5.2 Suggestions for further reading |