sing [sɪŋ] verb (sang, sung) MAKE MUSIC 唱歌 ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to make musical sounds with the voice, usually a tune with words 唱歌;演唱•The children sang two songs by Schubert at the school concert.在学校音乐会上,孩子们演唱了舒伯特的两首歌曲。 •We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.我们很早就被鸟儿的鸣唱声吵醒。 •Your grandmother would like you to sing for/to her.你祖母想叫你唱首歌给她听。 •[+ two objects] Will you sing us a song/sing a song to us?你能为我们唱首歌吗? •She sang her baby to sleep every night.她每天晚上唱歌哄孩子入睡。 •Pavarotti is singing Rodolfo (= singing the part of Rodolfo) in 'La Boheme' at La Scala this week.帕华洛帝本周将在拉斯卡拉剧院扮演歌剧《波希米亚人》中的鲁道夫。 •Please sing UKup / USout (= sing louder).请你唱大声一点。 [sɪŋ] verb (sang, sung) RING 鸣响 intransitive ■to make or be filled with a (high) ringing sound 呜呜作响,发嗡嗡声•A bullet sang past the top of the soldier's head.一颗子弹从士兵头顶咻的一声飞过。 [sɪŋ] verb (sang, sung) sing for your supper old-fashioned ■to do something for someone else in order to receive something in return, especially food 为晚餐而唱(为另外的人做某事,以便取得某物作回报,特别是食物)•Dan's upstairs fixing my computer - I'm making him sing for his supper.丹正在楼上修理我的电脑--修好后我请他吃饭。 [sɪŋ] verb (sang, sung) sing the praises of sb/sth ■to praise someone or something 为…唱赞歌,表扬•The newspapers have been singing the praises of Italy's new star player.报纸一直在夸赞这位义大利的体育新星。 [sɪŋ] verb (sang, sung) Phrasal Verbs sing along ■to sing a piece of music while someone else is singing or playing it 跟着(别人的演唱或演奏的音乐)一起唱•The radio station played a Billy Joel song, and I found myself singing along to it.电台正在播放一首比利‧乔的歌,我发觉自己也跟着一起唱了起来。 [sɪŋ] noun adjective abbreviation for ■singular 单数 |