内容推荐 《冷战后美国气候政策演变分析(1989—2010)——气候联盟框架视角》,通过四个案例表明,美国历届政府关于气候政策的讨论都伴随着激烈的对立,对立双方其实分别代表着传统能源领域和新能源领域。由此得出结论:(1)美国政府关于气候的政策与利益集团直接相关;(2)总统所代表的利益集团占据相对主动。 作者简介 杨强,博士,北京外国语大学毕业,外交学院教师。有多年教学经验,近期主要研究世界特各国气候政策及其相关性。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What Makes This Research Significant? 1.2 What Is the Climate Coalition Framework? 1.3 Studying U.S. Climate Policy: Which Perspectives and Theories? 1.4 How This Book Is Organized? Chapter 2 The Evolution of U.S. Climate Policy 2.1 The Nature of the Issue of Global Climate Change 2.2 The Rise of the Issue and International Climate Negotiations 2.3 The Evolution of U.S. Climate Policy in the Post-Cold War Era 2.4 Relevant Data on U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Chapter 3 The George H. W. Bush Administration and UNFCCC 3.1 Before the Negotiation of UNFCCC 3.2 Negotiations from INCl to INC4 3.3 INC5 and the Signing of UNFCCC 3.4 Summary from the Perspective of the Climate Coalition Framework Chapter 4 The Clinton Administration and the Kyoto Protocol 4.1 The Convening of COPl 4.2 From C0P2 to COP3 4.3 After C0P3 4.4 Summary from the Perspective of the Climate Coalition Framework Chapter 5 The George W. Bush Administration and an Alternative Approach to the Kyoto Protocol 5.1 Opting Out of the Kyoto Protocol ……