源自培生教育出版集团的经典英语启蒙读物,美国各州多所幼儿园广泛使用,拥有良好的口碑。美国培生联合有名儿童教育专家、心理学家及经验丰富的语言学家匠心打造。全套72册,包含各种阅读题材,故事主题丰富,趣味十足;色彩鲜艳,场景式呈现,对孩子极具吸引力;体系科学,内容循序渐进,螺旋式进阶,每天15分钟,磨出英文小耳朵。 《培生英语(幼儿版)》内容介绍:
Pearson(培生)是优选知名的教育集团,已有170多年的历史,遍布优选70多个国家。培生教育旗下拥有多个备受瞩目的品牌,包括朗文Longman、Addison-Wesley、Scott Foresman、Prentice Hall以及华尔街英语、环球教育等。靠前几代人学习英语的经典教材《新概念英语》就源自培生。
1. Colors All Around
2. Let's Count!
3. What Do You See?
4. Can You Find It?
5. Meet Mouse and Moose
6. Turtle's Taxi
7. I Am Ann
8. Seals and Soccer
9. Meet Pat the Penguin
10. Meet Cam the Cow
11. The Iguana
12. All About Me!
13. Pandas Can Nap
14. Ric and Rin Ran!
15. Dan Can!
16. Dad and Fif
17. Lots of Dots
18. Bop and Dot
19. Hap
20. The Rainy Day
21. Five of us!
22. Gib
23. The Red Hen!
24. Meg and Hen
25. The Jet
26. A Box for Rex
27. The Mud Bug
28. Six Cubs
29. Bev and Vin
30. Quinn
31. A Stand for Tim
32. Let's Play Hopscotch
33. Gus Will Stop
34. We Get Up!
35. My Big Bug
36. Look at the Red Bird
37. At School
38. Work
39. Play
40. Ride to Town
41. Eat Together
42. At the Toy Store
43. Tam in the Garden
44. Tam and Sam Look Around
45. Tam and Sam at the Zoo
46. Winter Fun
47. A House for Pip
48. For Tim
49. Pam
50. Tap! Rap! Bam! with me
51. Pam at Bat
52. Red Fans
53. Mom the Tot
54. Rob's Dots
55. A Day to Play
56. Our Musical Adventure
57. A Home for Flap
58. Five Bus Stops
59. The Red Sleds
60. We Get Set
61. Jan and Jem Win!
62. Our Boat
63. Our Pup Bud
64. Bud Likes Mud
65. The Big Jazz Band
66. Quinn Can Do It!
67. Max and Jane
68. Fix the Big Box
69. Go Camping
70. A Busy Day
71. Build a Home
72. Where Do Animals Live?