内容推荐 许世铨编著的《台.湾问题论文选编(英文版)》选取大陆涉台科研院所、大陆台.湾问题对外宣传专家咨询组成员中的靠前论文汇编成册,准确阐述大陆关于台.湾问题的立场、观点,深刻解读我方涉台方针政策,介绍两岸的交流与往来,宣传和平统一的思想和“一国两制”方针,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,促进国家的早日统一。 论文集所选文章涉及的面较广,从政治、经济、法律、军事、对外关系和社会历史等方面探讨了台.湾问题及当前两岸关系问题。论文从理论和现实等层面阐述大陆对台方针政策,不少学者还从多个角度对巩固和深化两岸关系和平发展提出了自己的一些看法。 目录 Rao Geping A Weapon of Law for Upholding Justice and Punishing Aggression —— Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Cairo Declaration Xu Shiquan Cross-Straits Relations and the Mainland's Taiwan Policy—— Strategy Development and Policy Options Zhou Zhihuai The Formation of the "One Country, Two Systems" Theory Zhu Weidong Further Enhancing Political Mutual Trust Across the Taiwan Straits Liu Guoshen Soization of the Value of Cross-Straits Peaceful Development HuangJiashu Impetus, Resistance to and Paths for Cross-Straits Political Negotiations Yu Keli The Two Sides Across the Straits Should End Their State of Hostility and Sign a Peace Agreement Zhang Wensheng A Tentative Discussion on the Nature of Cross-Straits Peace Agreement Li Peng An Analysis of the US Policy Position on Cross-Straits Negotiations Chen Xiancai Cross-Straits Military Mutual Trust Mechanism: Theoretical Framework and Road of Implementation Rao Geping Taiwan's "International Space" and Its Participation in Activities of International Organizations Li Yihu The Issue of Taiwan's "International Space" —— Policy Review and Countermeasures Yan Anlin Tentative Analysis of Taiwan-US Relations Since 2008 and Cross-Straits Relations Lin Gang US Relations with Taiwan in the New Period and Its Constraints Sun Yun An Analysis of Cross-Straits Cooperation in the International Community under New Situation Chen Kongli Historical Memories and Group Identity in Taiwan Society Lin ]in Analysis of Basic Ideological Features of the DPP Zhu Weidong Lay Down the Burden and Endeavor to Create a Space for DPP-CPC Dialogues —— On the Transition of the DPP's "Taiwan Independence" Line Tang Yonghong A Probe into the Institutionalized Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation and Integrated Development under the ECFA |