《经典傅里叶分析(第3版 英文版)》作品旨在为读者提供学习欧几里得调和解析领域的理论基础,各章有习题及提示。
《经典傅里叶分析(第3版 英文版)》原始版本是以单卷集发布的,但是由于其体积、范围和新材料的增加,第2版改为两卷集发行,新增时频分析和Carleson-Hunt定理等内容。
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书名 | 经典傅里叶分析(第3版)(英文版) |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-数学 |
作者 | (美)L.格拉法克斯 |
出版社 | 世界图书出版公司 |
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简介 | 内容简介 《经典傅里叶分析(第3版 英文版)》作品旨在为读者提供学习欧几里得调和解析领域的理论基础,各章有习题及提示。 《经典傅里叶分析(第3版 英文版)》原始版本是以单卷集发布的,但是由于其体积、范围和新材料的增加,第2版改为两卷集发行,新增时频分析和Carleson-Hunt定理等内容。 第3版在第2版的基础上修订新增一些章节,并将加权不等式一章从《现代傅里叶分析》调整到《经典傅里叶分析》,新增若干实例和应用内容,以及一些习题和提示。 目录 1 Lp Spaces and Interpolation 1.1 Lp and Weak Lp 1.1.1 The Distribution Function 1.1.2 Convergence in Measure 1.1.3 A First Glimpse at Interpolation Exercises 1.2 Convolution and Appromate Identities 1.2.1 Examples of Topological Groups 1.2.2 Convolution 1.2.3 Basic Convolution Inequalities 1.2.4 Appromate Identities Exercises 1.3 Interpolation 1.3.1 Real Method: The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem 1.3.2 Complex Method: The Riesz-Thorin Interpolation Theorem 1.3.3 Interpolation of Analytic Families of Operators Exercises 1.4 Lorentz Spaces 1.4.1 Decreasing Rearrangements 1.4.2 Lorentz Spaces 1.4.3 Duals of Lorentz Spaces 1.4.4 The Off-Diagonal Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem Exercises 2 Mamal Functions, Fourier Transform, and Distributions 2.1 Mamal Functions 2.1.1 The Hardy-Littlewood Mamal Operator 2.1.2 Control of Other Mamal Operators 2.1.3 Applications to Differentiation Theory Exercises 2.2 The Schwartz Class and the Fourier Transform 2.2.1 The Class of Schwartz Functions 2.2.2 The Fourier Transform of a Schwartz Function 2.2.3 The Inverse Fourier Transform and Fourier Inversion 2.2.4 The Fourier Transform on L1 + L2 Exercises 2.3 The Class of Tempered Distributions 2.3.1 Spaces of Test Functions 2.3.2 Spaces of Functionals on Test Functions 2.3.3 The Space of Tempered Distributions Exercises 2.4 More About Distributions and the Fourier Transform 2.4.1 Distributions Supported at a Point 2.4.2 The Laplacian 2.4.3 Homogeneous Distributions Exercises 2.5 Convolution Operators on Lp Spaces and Multipliers 2.5.1 Operators That Commute with Translations 2.5.2 The Transpose and the Adjoint of a Linear Operator 2.5.3 The Spaces Mp,q(Rn) 2.5.4 Characterizations of M1,1 (Rn) and M2,2 (Rn) 2.5.5 The Space of Fourier Multipliers Mp(Rn) Exercises 2.6 Oscillatory Integrals 2.6.1 Phases with No Critical Points 2.6.2 Sublevel Set Estimates and the Van der Corput Lemma Exercises 3 Fourier Series 3.1 Fourier Coefficients 3.1.1 The n-Torus Tn 3.1.2 Fourier Coefficients 3.1.3 The Dirichlet and Fejer Kernels Exercises 3.2 Reproduction of Functions from Their Fourier Coefficients 3.2.1 Partial sums and Fourier inversion 3.2.2 Fourier series of square summable functions 3.2.3 The Poisson Summation Formula Exercises 3.3 Decay of Fourier Coefficients 3.3.1 Decay of Fourier Coefficients of Arbitrary Integrable Functions 3.3.2 Decay of Fourier Coefficients of Smooth Functions 4 Topics on Fourier Series 5 Singular Integrals of Convolution Type 6 Littlewood-Paley Theory and Multipliers 7 Weighted Inequalities AGamma and Beta Functions BBessel Functions CRademacher Functions DSpherical Coordinates ESome Trigonometric Identities and Inequalities FSummation by Parts GBasic Functional Analysis HThe Minimax Lemma ITaylor's and Mean Value Theorem in Several Variables JThe Whitney Deposition of Open Sets in Rn Glossary References Index |
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