Foreword by Victor F. Weisskopf
Preface by the Editor
Preface by the Students
1. Wave Functions of Force-Free Particles
1. Associatioof Waves with Particles
2. The Wave Functioand Wave Equation
3. The Uncertainty Principle
4. Wave Packets and the Mechanics of Point Particles. Probability Density
5. Measuring Arrangements. Discussioof Examples
6. Classical Statistics and Quantum Statistics
2. Descriptioof a Particle ia Box and iFree Space
7. One Particle ia Box. The Equatioof Continuity
8. Normalizatioithe Continuum. The Dirac δ-Function
9. The Completeness Relation. ExpansioTheorem
10. Initial-Value Problem and the Fundamental Solution
3. Particle ia Field of Force
11. The HamiltoniaOperator
12. HermitiaOperators
13. ExpectatioValues and the Classical Equatioof Motion. CommutatioRelations (Commutators)
4. More thaOne Particle
14. More thaOne Particle
5. Eigenvalue Problems. Functions of Mathematical Physics
15. The Linear Harmonic Oscillator. Hermite Polynomials
16. Matrix Calculus Illustrated with the Linear Harmonic Oscillator
17. The Harmonic Oscillator ia Plane. Degeneracy
18. The HydrogeAtom
6. CollisioProcesses
19. Asymptotic Solutioof the Scattering Problem
20. The Scattering Cross Section. The Rutherford Scattering Formula
21. Solutioof the Force-Free Wave Equation
22. Expansioof a Plane Wave in Legendre Polynomials
23. Solutioof the Schr?dinger Equatiowith aArbitrary Central Potential
24. The BorApproximation
25. Scattering of Low-Energy Particles
7. Approximate Methods for Solving the Wave Equation
26. Eigenvalue Problem of a Particle ia Uniform Field
27. The WKB Method
8. Matrices and Operators.PerturbatioTheory
28. General Relationship BetweeMatrices and Operators. TransformatioTheory
29. General Formalism of PerturbatioTheory ithe Matrix Representation
30. Time-Dependent Perturbation
9. Angular Momentum and Spin
31. General CommutatioRelations
32. Matrix Elements of the Angular Momentum
33. Spin
10. Identical Particles with Spin
35. Symmetry Classes
36. The ExclusioPrinciple
37. The Helium Atom
38. Collisioof Two Identical Particles:Mott's Theory
39. The Statistics of Nuclear Spins
40. Fundamental Solutiofor Interval
41. Bound States and Tunnel Effect
42. Kronig-Penney Potential
43. Spherical Harmonics
44. Fundamental Solutiofor Harmonic Oscillator
45. Angular Momentum
46. Partial Waves
47. The Symmetrical Top
Appendix. Comments by the Editor