Chapter 1
China's Achievements
China's Exemplary Poverty Reduction Efforts
UN Officials Hail China's Anti-poverty Efforts
China Makes Historic Achievements in Poverty Reduction
Stanley Loh: China Will Totally Eradicate AbsolutePoverty
China's Achievements in Poverty Alleviation Highlight Policy Advantages
Chapter 2
China's Goals
Zero Poverty in China: Can We Expect Another Miracle by 2020?
China Can Eradicate Extreme Poverty by 2020
Chapter 3
China's Wisdom
What's Behind China's Successful Poverty Reduction
What Other Countries Can Learn from China on Poverty Alleviation
Internet+ Targeted Poverty Alleviation with Chinese Characteristics
Experience to Be Learned from China's Development
China's Strategy on Urban and Rural Poverty Reduction
Chapter 4
China's Experience
Enlightenment of China's Poverty Reduction to Other Developing Countries
China's Poverty Alleviation: A Lesson for Africa
Experts: China's Experience in Poverty Reduction Opens a New Area for
International Cooperation
What Can India Learn from China's Experience in PovertyAIleviation?
Chapter 5
China's Contributions
China's Experience in Poverty Reduction Benefits the Whole World
From Local to Global: China's Role in Global Poverty Reduction
Experts: Chinese Targeted Poverty Alleviation Benefits the World
Policy Lessons from China's Success in Poverty Reduction and How They
Can Benefit Global Anti-poverty Governance in the Agricultural Sector
Case of Uganda
China's Path to Poverty Reduction in Africa
China's Experience in Poverty Reduction Promotes Regional Development
Chapter 6
Global Poverty Governance
Martin Evans: China Has Done Amazing Things with Poverty Reduction
The Belt and Road Initiative Drives Global Poverty Reduction
South-South Cooperation Is Key to Rural Poverty Reduction