bridge [brɪdʒ] noun LARGE STRUCTURE 大型结构 ESSENTIAL countable ■a structure that is built over a river, road or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other 桥•We drove across/over the bridge.我们开车驶过大桥。 •the Brooklyn Bridge布鲁克林大桥 countable usually singular ■something that makes it easier to make a change from one situation to another 桥梁;过度•Voluntary work can provide a bridge between staying at home and working full-time.志愿工作是由在家待业过度到全职工作的桥梁。 [brɪdʒ] noun PART OF A SHIP 船的一部分 countable ■the raised part of a ship on which the captain and other officers stand and from where they control the movement of the ship (舰船的)驾驶台,船桥,舰桥 [brɪdʒ] noun NOSE 鼻子 countable usually singular ■the top part of the nose, between the eyes, or (on a pair of glasses) the piece that is supported by the top part of the nose 鼻梁;(眼镜的)鼻梁架•The blow caught him right on the bridge of his nose.那一拳正好打在他的鼻梁上。 [brɪdʒ] noun GAME 游戏 uncountable ■a card game for four players who play in pairs 桥牌 [brɪdʒ] noun TEETH 牙齿 countable (also bridgework) ■a piece of material that contains one or more artificial teeth and is kept in place by being fastened to the natural teeth 齿桥(装于真牙上以固定假牙的架子) [brɪdʒ] noun MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 乐器 countable ■a small piece of wood over which the strings are stretched on a musical instrument such as a guitar or violin (吉他、小提琴等的)琴马 [brɪdʒ] verb transitive BRING TOGETHER 桥梁 ■to make the difference or division between two things smaller or less severe 减小…之间的差异•We must bridge the gap between labour and management.我们必须消除劳资双方的鸿沟。 [brɪdʒ] verb transitive BUILD 建造 ■to build a bridge over or across something 在…上架桥•The river had been bridged at its narrowest point.在河流的最窄处架起了桥。 |