作者简介 Jin Ya-Qiu(金亚秋),中国科学院院士、发展中国家科学院院士、国际宇航科学院院士、IEEE终身会士。1970年毕业于北京大学,1982年、1983年、1985年先后获美国麻省理工学院(MIT)科学硕士(M.S.)、电气工程师(E.E.)、博士(Ph.D.)学位。现任复旦大学教授、电磁波信息科学教育部重点实验室主任、电磁大数据与智能遥感研究所所长。 他的研究领域为复杂自然环境中电磁波散射辐射传输与传播、空间微波遥感与对地对空目标监测信息理论与技术、复杂系统中计算电磁学、目标信息智能感知与识别等。他提出了自然地表全极化电磁散射的理论建模、数值与成像模拟、特征参数反演与目标重构,形成了“空间微波遥感全极化电磁散射与定量信息”的系统理论;发展了“自然介质矢量辐射传输理论”及其在地球环境星载微波遥感、探月与深空探测等领域的应用;发展了“复杂背景环境与特征目标复合电磁散射”的理论建模、数值模拟、天地海环境目标特征智能识别及其计算电磁学理论方法与技术应用。他是国家重点基础研究(973)项目首席科学家、国家级重点基础研究项目技术首席,并主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大仪器专项等。他在国内外学术刊物与学术会议上已发表学术论文800余篇,已出版18部学术专著与文集。 他作为第一位来自中国的科学家,任IEEE GRSS大奖评委会委员、IEEE GRSS执委会委员、IEEE会士评选委员会(GRSS)主席、IEEE GRSS杰出演讲者、IGARSS'2016主席等,为中国在这些国际学术组织中取得重要席位。 他获得IEEE GRSS杰出成就奖,他是该奖设立50多年来第一位获得该项大奖的非欧美科学家;他还获得IEEE GRSS教育奖、国家自然科学奖二等奖、光华科技奖一等奖、国家图书奖、全国优秀科技工作者、首届全国创新争先奖、上海市科技功臣奖、三次教育部自然科学奖一等奖、国家973计划先进个人等20多项科技奖励。他是国家级有突出贡献的中青年科技专家、上海市劳动模范。 目录 Chapter 1 Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Image Information Scattering Simulation and Reconstruction of a 3-D Complex Target Using Downward-Looking Step-Frequency Radar Postearthquake Building Damage Assessment Using Multi-Mutual Information from Pre-Event Optical Image and Postevent SAR Image Numerical Simulation of Tomographic-SAR Imaging and Object Reconstruction Using Compressive Sensing with L1/2-norm Regularization Automatic Recognition of Isolated Buildings on Single-Aspect SAR Image Using Range Detector Simulation of ISAR Imaging for a Space Target and Reconstruction Under Sparse Sampling via Compressed Sensing Impact of Cross-polarization Isolation on Polarimetric Target Decomposition and Target Detection Imaging and Structural Feature Decomposition of a Complex Target Using Multi-Aspect Polarimetric Scattering Iterative ADMM for Inverse FE–BI Problem: A Potential Solution to Radio Tomography of Asteroids Polarimetric–Anisotropic Decomposition and Anisotropic Entropies of High-Resolution SAR Images A Preliminary Study on SAR Advanced Information Retrieval and Scene Reconstruction Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Dynamic Wakes of Submerged Body A Study of Ship Rotation Effects on SAR Image Target Decomposition and Recognition from Wide-angle SAR Imaging Based on a Gaussian Amplitude-Phase Model Wishart–Bayesian Reconstruction of Quad-Pol from Compact-Pol SAR Image Polarimetric SAR Image Factorization The Iterative Reweighted Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Separating Structural Layovers in SAR Tomography Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from a Multiview Sequence of Sparse ISAR Imaging of a Space Target Ship Wake Components: Isolation, Reconstruction, and Characteristics Analysis in Spectral, Spatial, and TerraSAR-X Image Domains Fast Sparse Spectral Estimation for Super-resolution SAR Sparse Imaging Chapter 2 Artificial Intelligence for Remote Sensing and Target Recognition Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network and Its Application in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Target Classification Using the Deep Convolutional Networks for SAR Images Radar Image Colorization: Converting Single-Polarization to Fully Polarimetric Using Deep Neural Networks SAR Despeckling Neural Network with Logarithmic Convolutional Product Model A Generalized Gaussian Coherent Scatterer Model for Correlated SAR Texture Multimode Remotely Sensed Intelligent Information and Target Recognition: Physical Intelligence in Microwave Vision Reciprocal Translation between SAR and Optical Remote Sensing Images with Cascaded-Residual Adversarial Networks Chapter 3 Microwave Remote Sensing of Earth Monitoring and Early Warning the Debris Flow and Landslides Using VHF Radar Pulse Echoes from Layering Land Media Detection of Snow and Frost in Southern China in January 2008 Using AMSR-E Scattering and Polarization Indexes Data Validation of Chinese Microwave FY-3A for Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profiles during Phoenix Typhoon, 2008 Case Studies of Drought-Flooding Variations for Validating FY-3B/ MWRI Data with Intercalibration of Aqua/AMSR-E A Backscattering Model of Rainfall Over Rough Sea Surface for Synthetic Aperture Radar Information Chain of Fine-Quantitative Remote Sensing based on Scattering, Radiative Transfer and Imaging Asymmetry in Stimulated Emission Polarization and Irregularity Evolution During Ionospheric Electron Gyroharmonic Heating Chapter 4 Microwave Planetary Exploration Microwave Brightness Temperature of Cratered Lunar Surface and Inversions of the Physical Temperature Profile and Thickness of Regolith Layer Diurnal Physical Temperature at Sinus Iridum Area Retrieved from Observations of Chinese Chang’E-1 Microwave Radiometer Theoretical Modeling, Numerical Simulation, and 内容推荐 本书作为《自然介质电磁散射与辐射传输信息》的第三卷,选自作者2011~2020年期间在国际学术刊物上发表的部分学术论文。 本卷也作为近十年里新成立的“复旦大学电磁波信息科学教育部重点实验室”在电磁波与遥感领域的一个工作汇总。这一实验室包含了以下三个领域:空间遥感、空间通信、高性能计算与计算机智能。本卷内容是作者在第一个领域“空间遥感”的部分工作成果。这些工作包含了极化散射与合成孔径雷达(SAR)、SAR遥感信息的人工智能获取、星载微波辐射遥感与数据验证、行星遥感与深空探测的信息理论方法、计算电磁学与天线辐射五个方面的研究成果。 |