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书名 | 西游记(共3册)(英文版)(精) |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-中国文学 |
作者 | (明)吴承恩 |
出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 吴承恩所著的《西游记》是中国文学史上第一部杰出的富于浪漫主义色彩的长篇神魔小说。全书主要描写了孙悟空大闹天宫及后来皈依佛门,和猪八戒、沙和尚共保唐僧西天取经,历经九九八十一难,最后取得真经,修成“正果”的故事。小说着重表现了孙悟空斩妖除魔,不畏艰险,勇于斗争的精神,素有“反抗者赞歌”之誉。小说同时又把社会幻想化,将辛辣的讽刺同批判艺术巧妙结合,在荒诞与怪异中表现了社会生活的现象与本质。 作者简介 吴承恩(1504-1582年),字汝忠,号射阳山人,江苏淮安人。山阳县(今江苏省淮安市楚州区)人,明代杰出的小说家。其代表作有《西游记》,其余作品还有《禹鼎志》,但已散佚,另有《射阳先生存稿》。 吴承恩出生于一个由学官沦落为小商人的家庭,家境贫寒。他自幼聪明过人,少年得志,喜欢古代神话和民间传说,因文才出众,在故乡受到人们的赏识与好评,认为他科举及第,“如拾一芥”。《淮安府志》载他“性敏而多慧,博极群书,为诗文下笔立成。”因科考的屡次失败,生活的穷困潦倒,加深了他对封建科举制度、黑暗社会现实的认识,促使他运用神怪小说的形式来表达内心的痛苦与愤懑。他自言:“虽然吾书名为志怪,盖不专明鬼,实记人间变异,亦微有鉴戒寓焉。” 吴承恩大约40岁才补得一个岁贡生,到北京等待分配官职,没有被选上,由于母老家贫,去做了长兴县丞,终因受人诬告,两年后“拂袖而归”,晚年以卖文为生,大约活了将近80岁。《天启淮安府志》评价他“性敏而多慧,博极群书,为诗文下笔立成,清雅流丽,有秦少游之风复善谐谑,所著杂记几种,名震一时。”不过都是他死后的事了。他一生创作丰富,但是由于家贫,又没有子女。作品多散失。 目录 Chapter 1 The Divine Root conceives and the spring breaks forth;As the mind's nature is cultivated, the Great Way arises. Chapter 2 He becomes aware of the wonderful truth of enlightenment;By killing the demon he realizes his spirit-nature. Chapter 3 The Four Seas and Thousand Mountains all submit;In the Ninth Hell the Tenth Category is struck off the register. Chapter 4 Dissatisfied at being appointed Protector of the Horses;Not content with the title of Equal of Heaven. Chapter 5 After chaos among the peaches the Great Sage steals the pills;In the revolt against Heaven the gods capture the demons. Chapter 6 Guanyin comes to the feast and asks the reason why;The Little Sage uses his might to subdue the Great Sage. Chapter 7 The Great Sage escapes from the Eight Trigrams Furnace;The Mind Ape is fixed beneath Five Elements Mountain. Chapter 8 Our Buddha creates the Scriptures and passes on Perfect Bliss;Guanyin obeys a decree and goes to Chang'an. Chapter 9 Chen Guangrui comes to grief on his way to his post;The monk of the river current avenges his parents. Chapter 10 With a stupid plan the dragon king breaks the laws of Heaven;Minister Wei sends a letter to an officer of Hell. Chapter 11 After touring the underworld, Taizong returns to life;By presenting a pumpkin Liu Quan continues his marriage. Chapter 12 The Tang Emperor keeps faith and holds a Great Mass;Guanyin appears to the reincarnated Golden Cicada. Chapter 13 He falls into the tiger's den and is saved by the Great White Planet;On Double-Forked Peak Boqin entertains the priest. Chapter 14 The mind-ape returns to truth;The six bandits disappear without trace. Chapter 15 On the Coiled Snake Mountain the gods give secret help;In the Eagle's Sorrow Gorge the thought-horse is reined in. Chapter 16 The monks of the Guanyin Monastery plot to take the treasure;The monster of the Black Wind Mountain steals the cassock. Chapter 17 Brother Monkey makes trouble on the Black Wind Mountain;Guanyin subdues the Bear Spirit. Chapter 18 The Tang Priest is rescued in the Guanyin Temple;The Great Sage removes a monster from Gao Village. Chapter 19 In the Cloud Pathway Cave Sun Wukong wins over Zhu Bajie;On Pagoda Mountain Xuanzang receives the Heart Sutra. Chapter 20 The Tang Priest meets trouble on the Yellow Wind Ridge;Pig wins mastery halfway up the mountain. Chapter 21 The Guardians of the Faith build a farm for the Great Sage;Lingji from Sumeru pacifies the wind devil. Chapter 22 Pig fights a great battle in the Flowing Sands River;Moksa obeys the Dharma and wins Friar Sand over. Chapter 23 Sanzang does not forget the basic;The four holy ones have their piety tested. Chapter 24 On the Mountain of Infinite Longevity a great immortal entertains an old friend;In the Wuzhuang Temple Monkey steals manfruit. Chapter 25 The Immortal Zhen Yuan captures the pilgrim priest;Monkey makes havoc in the Wuzhuang Temple. Chapter 26 Sun Wukong looks for the formula in the Three Islands;Guanyin revives the tree with a spring of sweet water. Chapter 27 The corpse fiend thrice tricks Tang Sanzang;The holy monk angrily dismisses the Handsome Monkey King. Chapter 28 On the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit the devils rise;Sanzang meets a monster in the Black Pine Forest. Chapter 29 Sanzang, delivered, crosses a border;A grateful Pig tours mountains and forests. Chapter 30 An Evil Monster harms the true law;The Thought-Horse remembers the Mind-Ape. Chapter 31 Pig moves the Monkey King through his goodness;Sun the Novice subdues the ogre through cunning. …… 导语 《西游记》是中国四大古典名著之一,是神魔章回小说的代表作,也是古代长篇浪漫主义小说的巅峰之作。小说描写了孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚保护唐三藏去西天取经,历经八十一难,取回真经,皆成正果的故事。小说充满了神奇的幻想,在读者面前展开了一个五光十色的幻想世界。 《西游记》是我国文化遗产中的瑰宝。它以丰富奇特的艺术想象、生动曲折的故事情节、栩栩如生的人物形象、幽默诙谐的语言,构筑了一座独具特色的艺术宫殿,相信它会给每一个读者带来愉悦的阅读体验。 |
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