作者简介 伊姆兰·巴希尔(Imran Bashir),has an M.Sc. in Information Security from Royal Holloway, University of London, and has a background in software development, solution architecture,infrastructure management, and IT service management. He is also a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the British Computer Society (BCS). Imran has sixteen years' of experience in the public and financial sectors. He worked on large scale IT projects in the public sector before moving to the financial services industry.Since then, he has worked in various technical roles for different financial companies in Europe's financial capital London. He is currently working for an investment bank in London as Vice President in the Technology department. 目录 Preface Chapter 1: Blockchain 101 The growth of blockchain technology Distributed systems The history of blockchain and Bitcoin Electronic cash Blockchain Blockchain defined Peer-to-peer Distributed ledger Cryptographically-secure Append-only Updateable via consensus Generic elements of a blockchain How blockchain works How blockchain accumulates blocks Benefits and limitations of blockchain Tiers of blockchain technology Features of a blockchain Types of blockchain Distributed ledgers Distributed Ledger Technology Public blockchains Private blockchains Semiprivate blockchains Sidechains Permissionecl ledger Shared ledger Fully private and proprietary blockchains Tokenized blockchains Tokenless blockchains Consensus Consensus mechanism Types of consensus mechanisms Consensus in blockchain CAP theorem and blockchain Summary Chapter 2: Decentralization Decentralization using blockchain Methods of decentralization Disintermediation Contest-driven decentralization Routes to decentralization How to decentralize The decentralization framework example Blockchain and full ecosystem decentralization Storage Communication Computing power and decentralization Smart contracts Decentralized Organizations Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Decentralized Autonomous Corporations Decentralized Autonomous Societies Decentralized Applications (DApps) Requirements of a Decentralized Application Operations of a DApp DApp examples KYC-Chain OpenBazaar Lazooz Platforms for decentralization Ethereum MaidSafe Lisk Summary Chapter 3: Symmetric Cryptography Working with the OpenSSL command line Introduction Mathematics Set Group Field A finite field Order An abelian group Prime fields Ring A cyclic group Modular arithmetic Cryptography Confidentiality Integrity Authentication Chapter 4: Public Key Cryptpgraphy Chapter 5: Introducing Bitcoin Chapter 6: Bitcoin Network and Payments Chapter 7: Bitcoin Clients and APIs Chapter 8: Alternative Coins Chapter 9: Smart Contracts Chapter 10: Ethereum 101 Chapter 11: Further Ethereum Chapter 12: Ethereum Development Environmrnt Chapter 13: Development Tools and Frameworks Chapter 14: Introducing Web3 Chapter 15: Hyperledger Chapter 16: Alternative Blockchains Chapter 17: Blockchain - Outside of Currencies Chapter 18: Scalability and Other Challenges Chapter 19: Current Landscape and What's next Another Book You May Enjoy Index
内容推荐 区块链是一种分布式账簿,可以跨多个节点进行复制,同时保持事务的不可变性、透明性以及加密安全存储。区块链技术是加密货币的支柱,它在金融、政府、媒体和几乎所有其他行业都有应用。本书的第2版经过了彻底的更新和修订,详细描述了这一领先技术及其在现实世界中的实现。 本书从区块链的技术基础入手。讲述了分布式系统的基础知识、加密技术以及如何保护数据安全。你将学习到加密货币背后的机制以及如何使用以太坊(Ethereum)这一去中心化虚拟机开发应用程序。你还将探究其他区块链解决方案,了解Hyperledger下的业务区块链框架。这是一项由Linux基金会主持的、旨在推动区块链技术的协力成果。你也会看到如何实现除货币外的区块链解决方案、带区块链的物联网、区块链可扩展性以及这种引人入胜的强大技术的远景。 |