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书名 | 建筑里的中国(英文版) |
分类 | 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化 |
作者 | 蒲肖依 |
出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《建筑里的中国》是作者花费近一年的时间,实地踏访窑洞、土楼、苗寨、徽派民居、山西大院、北京四合院等中国传统民居后写成的。旨在寻根本土的建筑文化,从传统中寻找力量。书中描述了“苗寨依山而建,留出平地种稻粮;客家土楼生土板筑,外如城堡内家园;徽派民居的尊重自然山水大环境,黄土地上的靠山窑和地坑窑……”中国传统建筑的这些“场所精神”,作者都一一亲身观测体会。 作者简介 蒲肖依,1989年生于北京。自幼喜丹青,好读书,游历广泛。本科毕业于加拿大麦吉尔大学建筑系,现为美国耶鲁大学建筑系研究生。曾在日本隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所,美国Kohn Pedersen Fox和Pei Partnership等国际著名建筑事务所研习。有《做人与自然的协调者》等建筑学评论见诸报章,尝试将中国传统文化融入现代建筑语境中。 目录 CHAPTER 1 Chinese Architecture: Three-Trait Coupling The Origin of"Three-Trait Coupling" The Material Trait of.Architecture The Social Trait of Architecture The Knowledge Trait of Architecture The Architectural Significance of "'Ihree-Trait Coupling" CHAPTER 2 Philosophical Thinking on Natural Residence: History of Cave Dwellings Harmony between Human and Heaven: Natural Abode Xun, Shadow Play and Cave Dwelling Various Forms of the Traditional Cave Dwelling The Construction and Decoration of Cave Dwellings Inspiration from the Earth Reform and Renewal of the Cave Dwelling Dialogue between Louis Isadore Kahn and Lao Zi CHAPTER 3 Ten Thousand Buildings Towering in a Misty Landscape: Picturesque Scenery with Tulou Architecture Tulous of the Hakkas Following Nature and Adapting to Local Conditions Architectural Wonders without Any Specific Architect A Utopia with a Communal System The Tulou in Modern Society CHAPTER 4 Subtle Reflections of the Great Journey of Humankind: Courtyard Manors by Shanxi Merchants in the Course of History From Cave Dwellings to Brick-and-Tile Quadrangles Currency Revolution and Vicissitudes of Courtyard Residences As the Scenery Changes, So Do Your Emotions Elaborate Exquisiteness of Qiao, Bold Majesty of Wang, and Refined Elegance of Chang Rites and Order Merchants and Confucianism Metaphysics and Fengshui Calligraphy and Architecture CHAPTER 5 Huizhou Architecture amidst Mountanis and rivers Ecological Space amidst Mountains and Rivers Beauty in the Planning of Clan Settlement Combined Confucian and Taoist Styles with Plainness and Ethereal Beauty Huizhou Merchants: Both Businessmen and Confucian Scholars Thriving Education in the Hometown of Zhu Xi Connotations of the Patio Culture Ambiguity and Permeability of the Patio CHAPTER 6 Flying Eaves Rising among Rolling Mountain Ranges: Miao Village in Xijiang Nest Dwelling as the Origin People Believing Divinity in Everything Body Aesthetics Reflected in Miao Dwellings Organic Building Developed from the Environment Stilted Bottom Story and Utilization of Grey Space Cultural Significance of Triple Spaces CHAPTER 7 Cultural Traits Embodied in Square and Circular Spaces: Miniaturized Cosmos in Quadrangle Courtyards Vicissitudes over Eight Hundred Years Dialogue between Gates and Hutongs Embodiment of Quadrangle Space in Other Cultures Appreciating Beauty of the Quadrangles Discovering the Subtleties of Residences of Celebritie Living in the Leisurely Enclosure of the Quadrangle Courtyards Protecting the Symbol of Beijing CHAPTER 8 Words Not to Be Taken as Ending Postface Bibliography |
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