induction [ɪn'dʌk.ʃən] noun INTRODUCTION 入门 countable or uncountable ■when someone is formally introduced into a new job or organization, especially through a special ceremony 就任;接纳会员;入门;就职仪式•Their induction into the church took place in June.他们的入教仪式在六月份举行。 •Her induction as councillor took place in the town hall.她在市政厅就任市政会委员。 •an induction course/program/ceremony入门课程/入门指导计划/就职仪式 [ɪn'dʌk.ʃən] noun CAUSING 引起 uncountable formal ■when someone or something causes an event or process to happen 诱导; 引发(事件、过程发生)•the induction of labour催生 [ɪn'dʌk.ʃən] noun THINKING 思维 uncountable specialized ■the process of discovering a general principle from a set of facts 归纳 [ɪn'dʌk.ʃən] noun ELECTRICITY 电 uncountable specialized ■when electrical power goes from one object to another without the objects touching (电磁)感应•an induction coil/motor感应线圈/马达 |