dust [dʌst] noun uncountable IMPROVER ■dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfaces inside a building, or very small dry pieces of soil, sand or other substances 灰尘;尘土;沙土•The furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs.家俱上落满了灰尘和蜘蛛网。 •A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.汽车驶过后扬起一阵尘土。 •coal dust煤灰 [dʌst] noun uncountable the dust settles ■If the dust settles after an argument or big change, the situation becomes calmer 尘埃落定,有了眉目,形势明朗•We thought we'd let the dust settle before discussing the other matter.我们认为应该在形势明朗之后再讨论另一个问题。 [dʌst] noun uncountable turn to dust literary ■to become worth nothing 变得一文不值•Every promise they have made has turned to dust.他们的承诺都一文不值。 [dʌst] verb CLEAN 清洁 intransitive or transitive ■to use a cloth to remove dust from the surface of something 擦去…的灰尘,给…除尘•I was dusting the mantelpiece when I noticed a crack.我在擦壁炉台的时候发现了一道裂纹。 [dʌst] verb COVER 覆盖 transitive ■to cover something with a light powder 在…上撒(粉末)•Dust the top of the cake with icing sugar.在蛋糕上撒些糖霜。 [dʌst] verb be done and dusted UK informal ■to be complete and finished 完成,完结•By now the deal was done and dusted.到现在为止这笔交易算是完成了。 [dʌst] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] dust sth off (UK also dust down) ■to prepare something for use, especially after it has not been used for a long time (尤指长时间不用后拿出来)备好待用,整理•They brought out the old ambulances, dusted them down and put them back into service.他们将旧救护车拿出来修复后再次投入使用。 |