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书名 纳米光子学与光谱(清华大学出版社十三五重点规划教材英文版)/纳米光子学丛书
作者 孙萌涛//王鑫鑫//宗欢
出版社 清华大学出版社
CHAPTER 1Introduction
1.1 Concept of Spectroscopy
1.2 Concept of Photonics and Plasmonics
1.3 Concept of PlasmonEnhanced Spectroscopy
1.3.1 Plasmonenhanced fluorescence
1.3.2 Plasmonenhanced resonance fluorescence energy
1.3.3 Surfaceenhanced Raman scattering
1.3.4 The remoteexcitation of SERS
1.3.5 Tipenhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy
1.3.6 Remote excitationTERS microscopy
1.3.7 Plasmonenhanced coherence antiStokes
Raman scattering images
CHAPTER 2Molecular Spectroscopy
2.1 Jablonski Diagram
2.2 Electronic State Transition
2.2.1 Ultravioletvisiblenear IR absorption
2.2.2 Twophoton absorption spectroscopy
2.2.3 Fluorescence spectroscopy
2.2.4 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
2.3 Vibration Spectroscopy
2.3.1 Raman spectroscopy
2.3.2 Infrared spectroscopy
2.3.3 Modes of molecular vibration
2.3.4 The difference between Raman and spectra
2.4 Rotational State
2.5 Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy by Circularly
Polarized Light
2.5.1 Electronic circular dichroism
2.5.2 Raman optical activity
CHAPTER 3Photonics and Plasmonics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Exciton
3.2.1 Brief introduction of exciton
3.2.2 Exciton classification
3.3 Polariton
3.3.1 Brief introduction of polariton
3.3.2 Polariton types
3.4 Plasmon and Surface Plasmons
3.4.1 Plasmons
3.4.2 Surface plasmons
3.4.3 Surface plasmon polaritons
3.5 PlasmonExciton Coupling: Plexciton
CHAPTER 4Surface Plasmon
4.1 Brief Introduction of Surface Plasmon
4.2 Physical Mechanism of Surface Plasmon
4.2.1 Drude model
4.2.2 Relationship between refractive index and
dielectric constant
4.2.3 Dispersion relation
4.3 Localized Surface Plasmon
4.4 Plasmonic Waveguide
4.4.1 The electromagnetic theory for calculating NWs
4.4.2 The decay rate in the plasmon mode
4.4.3 The spontaneous emission near the nanotip
4.4.4 SPP modes of Ag NW by one end excitation
CHAPTER 5PlasmonEnhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
5.1 The Principle of PlasmonEnhanced Fluorescence
5.2 PlasmonEnhanced Upconversion Luminescence
5.2.1 Brief introduction
5.2.2 Physical principle and mechanism
5.3 Principle of PlasmonEnhanced FRET
CHAPTER 6PlasmonEnhanced Raman Scattering Spectra
6.1 SurfaceEnhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy
6.1.1 Brief history of SERS spectroscopy
6.1.2 Physical mechanism of SERS spectroscopy
6.2 TipEnhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy
6.2.1 Brief introduction of TERS spectroscopy
6.2.2 Physical mechanism of TERS spectroscopy
6.2.3 Setup of TERS
6.3 RemoteExcitation SERS
CHAPTER 7HighVacuum TipEnhanced Raman Scattering
7.1 Brief Introduction
7.1.1 Brief description of setup of HVTERS
7.1.2 Detailed description of setup of HVTERS
7.2 The Application of HVTERS Spectroscopy in in situ
PlasmonDriven Chemical Reactions
7.3 Plasmonic Gradient Effect
7.4 Plasmonic Nanoscissors
CHAPTER 8Physical Mechanism of PlasmonExciton Coupling
8.1 Brief Introduction of Plexcitons
8.2 PlasmonExciton Coupling Interaction
8.2.1 Strong plasmonexciton coupling interaction
8.2.2 Application of strong plasmonexciton coupling
8.2.3 Weak plasmonexciton coupling interaction
8.2.4 Application of weak plasmonexciton coupling
8.2.5 Plexcitons
8.3 Application
8.3.1 Plasmonic electronsenhanced resonance Raman
scattering and electronsenhanced fluorescence
8.3.2 Tipenhanced photoluminescence spectroscopy
8.3.3 Femtosecond pumpprobe transient absorption
Photonics and Plasmonics
Electronic circuits provide us with the ability to control the transport and storage of electrons. However,their performance
is now becoming rather limited when digital information needs to be sent from one point to another. Photonics offers an effective solution to this problem by implementing optical communication systems based on optical fibers and photonic circuits. Unfortunately,the micrometerscale bulky components of photonics have limited the integration of these components into electronic chips,which are now measured in nanometers. Surface plasnconbased circuits,which merge electronics and photonics at the nanoscale
[1],may offer a solution to this sizecompatibility problem. So,plasmonics can be considered as a kind of nanophotonics. In this chapter,we introduce the excitation kinds of plasmons and plasmonics,which are mainly focused on the exciton and polariton.
3.2.1Brief introduction of excitons
Fig.31Yakov Ilich Frenkel
In 1931,Frenkel(Fig.31)first proposed the concept about excitons,he indicated that it was possible for neutral excitation of a crystal through light where electrons remained bound to the holes generated at the lattice sites,the lattice positions were determined to be quasiparticles,i.e. exciton[2]. Excitons were electrically neutral and were mostly found in insulators,semiconductors and certain liquids[2,3]. When photons were absorbed by a semiconductor,excitons were generated,causing electrons to transition from the valence band to the conduction band. The decay of exciton,in other words,the recombination about hole and electron,was limited by the resonance stability owing to the overlap of hole and electron wave functions,causing a prolonged lifetime about the exciton.
Since the discovery of the excitons,their lifespan has been very short,only 10 microseconds,and the energy extremely low,which made the study of exciton movement very difficult. However,due to the development of laser,lowtemperature and electronic technologies,extremely favorable conditions had been provided for the study of surface excitons. Because the laser could emit a monochromatic beam of intense energy with a large intensity,the intensity of the light indicated that the number of photons contained in the beam increases,which caused a large number of excitons to be generated in the crystal. In 1966,Haynes first observed electronhole droplets,that is,a large number of exciton condensates,which led to a new phase of exciton research. Later,the researchers studied fluid quantum mechanics. In addition,the formation of crystal defects and motion and exciton were linked,and certain results had been achieved. Therefore,the study of excitons was currently a hot area in solid state physics.
Moreove addition,excitons were divided into many types,such as the Frenkel[414], the WannierMott
[15],the chargetransfer[1623],the surface[2426],and the atomic and molecular excitons[27,28],as well as the selftrapping of excitons[29, 30].
3.2.2Exciton classification
Frenkel excitons
The Frenkel excitons named after him,has a binding energy of 0.1 eV to 1 eV. And it had considerable interaction cross sections having molecular vibrations. Particularly,about coherently coupled Frenkel excitons,the rate of exciton scattering was significantly enhanced. Furthermore,the application of Frenkel excitons was very extensive. For example,in previous study,the J band in the PIC aggregates in the glass and LangmuirBlodgett(LB)films could be described by the disordered Frenkel exciton band,it was proved that resonance light scattering was an important tool for studying exciton dynamics in polymers and aggregates. And in organic semiconductor microcavities,the studies of photonmediated hybridization of Frenkel excitons was demonstrat




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