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书名 量子系统的非平衡多体理论(英文版)
分类 科学技术-自然科学-物理
作者 (意)G.斯蒂芬尼茨//(德)R.冯·莱文
出版社 世界图书出版公司
List of abbreviations and acronyms
Fundamental constants and basic relations
1 Second quantization
1.1 Quantum mechanics of one particle
1.2 Quantum mechanics of many particles
1.3 Quantum mechanics of many identical particles
1.4 Field operators
1.5 General basis states
1.6 Hamiltonian in second quantization
1.7 Density matrices and quantum averages
2 Getting familiar with second quantization: model Hamiltonians
2.1 Model Hamiltonians
2.2 Pariser-Parr-Pople model
2.3 Noninteracting models
2.3.1 Bloch theorem and band structure
2.3.2 Fano model
2.4 Hubbard model
2.4.1 Particle-hole symmetry: application to the Hubbard dimer
2.5 Heisenberg model
2.6 BCS model and the exact Richardson solution
2.7 Holstein model
2.7.1 Peierls instability
2.7.2 Lang-Firsov transformation: the heavy polaron
3 Time-dependent problems and equations of motion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Evolution operator
3.3 Equations of motion for operators in the Heisenberg picture
3.4 Continuity equation: paramagnetic and diamagnetic currents
3.5 Lorentz Force
4 The contour idea
4.1 Time-dependent quantum averages
4.2 Time-dependent ensemble averages
4.3 Initial equilibrium and adiabatic switching
4.4 Equations of motion on the contour
4.5 Operator correlators on the contour
5 Many-particle Green's functions
5.1 Martin-Schwinger hierarchy
5.2 Truncation of the hierarchy
5.3 Exact solution of the hierarchy from Wick's theorem
5.4 Finite and zero-temperature formalism from the exact solution
5.5 Langreth rules
6 One-particle Green's function
6.1 What can we learn from G?
6.1.1 The inevitable emergence of memory
6.1.2 Matsubara Green's function and initial preparations
6.1.3 Lesser/greater Green's function: relaxation and quasi-particles
6.2 Noninteracting Green's function
6.2.1 Matsubara component
6.2.2 Lesser and greater components
6.2.3 All other components and a useful exercise
6.3 Interacting Green's function and Lehmann representation
6.3.1 Steady-states, persistent oscillations, initial-state dependence
6.3.2 Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and other exact properties
6.3.3 Spectral function and probability interpretation
6.3.4 Photoemission experiments and interaction effects
6.4 Total energy from the Galitskii-Migdal formula
7 Mean field approximations
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Hartree approximation
7.2.1 Hartree equations
7.2.2 Electron gas
7.2.3 Quantum discharge of a capacitor
7.3 Hartree-Fock approximation
7.3.1 Hartree-Fock equations
7.3.2 Coulombic electron gas and spin-polarized solutions
8 Conserving approximations: two-particle Green's function
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Conditions on the approximate G2
8.3 Continuity equation
8.4 Momentumconservation law
8.5 Angular momentum conservation law
8.6 Energy conservation law
9 Conserving approximations: self-energy
9.1 Self-energy and Dyson equations I
9.2 Conditions on the approximate Σ
9.3 φ functional
9.4 Kadanoff-Baym equations
9.5 Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the self-energy
9.6 Recovering equilibrium from the Kadanoff-Baym equations
9.7 Formal solution of the Kadanoff-Baym equations
10 MBPT for the Green's function
10.1 Getting started with Feynman diagrams
10.2 Loop rule
10.3 Cancellation of disconnected diagrams
10.4 Summing only the topologically inequivalent diagrams
10.5 Self-energy and Dyson equations II
10.6 G-skeleton diagrams
10.7 W-skeleton diagrams
10.8 Summary




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