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书名 | 时代大潮和中国共产党(英文版)/认识中国了解中国书系 |
分类 | 人文社科-政治军事-党政读物 |
作者 | 李君如 |
出版社 | 中国人民大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书从中国共产党所处的时代以及中国共产党如何应对时代挑战的新视角,研究中国共产党的历史和重大事件,把中国共产党的历史看作不断应对新的挑战、审时度势、顺应时代大潮从而不断取得胜利的历史,并将最终落脚点置于中国共产党的现实发展上,指出中国共产党将以“五大发展理念”为引领,以“赶上时代”为目标,以“科学预见”为方法,以“与时俱进”为精神状态,以“不忘初心、继续前进”为坚强意志,永不止步地追赶时代大潮、接受时代大潮的考验,进而引领时代大潮,永葆自己的先进性。 作者简介 李君如, 研究员,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊 津贴专家。中共中央党校原副校长,第十届全 国政协委员,第十一届全国政协常委。中央马 克思主义理论研究和建设工程咨询委员,兼任 中国人权研究会副会长。曾任上海社会科学院 院长助理、毛泽东思想研究中心主任、邓小平 理论研究中心主任,中共中央宣传部理论局副 局长,中共中央党史研究室副主任。主持编写 了《邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论 学习纲要》和《建设有中国特色社会主义若干 理论问题学习纲要》。出版18卷《李君如著作 集》,发表数百篇论文,多部著作和论文获国 家级奖项。 目录 Chapter 1 The Era that the CPC Is in (Ⅰ)The Times, the Theme of the Times and the Times Trend (Ⅱ)Epochal Characteristics of the Four Periods in the 95 Years' History of the CPC (Ⅲ)1921-1949: The CPC in War and Revolution (Ⅳ)19491-956: The CPC in the Cold War and the Socialist Movement Torrent (Ⅴ)1956-1978: The CPC in the National Independence Movement and the Trend of Late-modernization (Ⅵ)1978 Up to Now: The CPC under the Theme of Peace and Development and in the Trend of Reform Chapter 2 The CPC that Conforms to the Times Trend (Ⅰ)Start from Xi Jinping's Statement (Ⅱ)Why Is It “He Who Conforms to It Shall Survive, He Who Resists It Shall Perish”? (Ⅲ)“I Ask, on This Bondless Land, Who Rules over Man's Destiny?” (Ⅳ)“National Conditions” and “the Times” (Ⅴ)Global Vision and Historical Thinking Chapter 3 The Communist Party of China that Deftly Rides the Waves of the Times (Ⅰ)From the Dispute on “High Tides” and “Low Ebbs” after the Failure of the Great Revolution (Ⅱ)Reread “Why Is It that Red Political Power Can Exist in China?”by Mao Zedong (Ⅲ)The Second Hand Shake between Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and Counter Measures in Response to Kuomintang's Sweeping Anti-Communist Tides (Ⅳ)From Issuance of the Statement of the People's Liberation Army and the Labor Day Slogan to the Birth of a New China (Ⅴ)On Ten Major Relationships and Analysis of International Situation (Ⅵ)Delay of War, Rapid Development of New Technology, and Shift of Focus of the Party's Work (Ⅶ)Political Turmoil at Home and Abroad and the Development of the Socialist Market Economy (Ⅷ)The Communist Party's Historical Position and Enhancement of Its Ruling Capability (Ⅸ)The Trend of Sustainable Development and Change of Patterns of Economic Development (Ⅹ)The New Great Struggle and Governance of State Chapter 4 The Communist Party of China Who Dares to Guide and Lead the Tide of the Times (Ⅰ)Starting from Xi Jinping's “Guidance and Leadership of the Concept” (Ⅱ)The Goal of Catching Up with the Times (Ⅲ)Method: Scientific Predictions (Ⅳ)Mental Status: To Keep Abreast with the Times (Ⅴ)Be Strong-willed: Stay True to the Mission and Keep Moving Forward Afterword |
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