内容推荐 《奈特图解医学全集》是世界著名医学绘图类品牌图书,涵盖了人体的九大系统,内容包括解剖、发育、生理、病理等基础学科知识及临床疾病诊治要点,全书绘图精美、叙述简明扼要,堪称医学与艺术、基础与临床的完美结合。影印版采用全彩色印刷,读者既可领略到“奈特”形象逼真的绘图,也可学习原汁原味的医学英语,是医学生、临床医生的优秀读物。 本书是第6卷骨骼肌肉系统。 目录 PART I Upper Limb SECTION 1 Shoulder SECTION 2 Upper Arm and Elbow SECTION 3 Forearm and Wrist SECTION 4 Hand and Finger PART II Spine and Lower Limb SECTION 1 Spine SECTION 2 Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh SECTION 3 Knee SECTION 4 Lower Leg SECTION 5 Ankle and Foot PART III Biology and Systemic Diseases SECTION 1 Embryology SECTION 2 Physiology SECTION 3 Metabolic Disorders SECTION 4 Congenital and Development Disorders SECTION 5 Rheumatic Diseases SECTION 6 Tumors of Musculoskeletal System SECTION 7 Injury to Musculoskeletal System SECTION 8 Soft Tissue Infections SECTION 9 Fracture Complications |