内容推荐 郭宝龙、朱娟娟编著的《信号与系统(英文版)》讨论了信号与系统分析的基本原理,突出了基本信号、信号分解、线性时不变系统特性三个中心问题,类比连续系统和离散系统,分别详述了时域、频域、变换域和状态空间的分析方法。本书主要内容包括信号与系统基本概念、LTIC系统时域分析、LTID系统时域分析、LTIC系统频域分析、拉普拉斯变换和复频域分析、Z变换和Z域分析、状态空间分析和系统分析应用。本书结合当代信息处理技术前沿,给出了丰富的案例和MATLAB仿真,激发读者对工程问题进行深入思考。全书各章都有相当数量的例题,章末配有习题,供学生巩固所学内容。 本书可作为高等院校电子信息类等相关专业的双语教材和来华留学生的教材,也可供相关工程技术人员学习参考。 目录 1 Overview of signals and systems 1.0 introduction 1.1 Basic definitions and classification of signals 1.1.1 Concepts 1.1.2 Description of signals 1.1.3 Classification of signals 1.1.4 Representation and plotting of signals with MATLAB 1.2 Basic operations of signals 1.2.1 Operations "+", "-" and "x" of signals 1.2.2 Signal transformations in the time domain 1.3 Elementary signals 1.3.1 The continuous-time unit step function 1.3.2 The continuous-time unit impulse function 1.3.3 Properties of the CT unit impulse function 1.3.4 The discrete-time unit step and impulse sequences 1.4 Basic definitions and classification of systems 1.4.1 Introduction to systems 1.4.2 Classifications of systems 1.5 Framework of analytical methods 1.5.1 Analytical methods for LTI systems 1.5.2 Key issues to study 1.5.3 Framework of all chapters 1.6 Summary 2 Time-domain analysis of I.TIC systems 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Representation of the LTIC system 2.1.1 Analytical description based on mathematical models 2.1.2 Description based on the block diagram 2.2 Classical solution of the differential equation 2.2.1 Classical solution of the direct method 2.2.2 Initial value of the system 2.2.3 Zero-input response and zero-state response 2.2.4 Response calculation with MATLAB 2.3 The impulse response and step response 2.3.1 CT impulse response 2.3.2 CT step response 2.3.3 Solution by MATLAB 2.4 Convolution integral 2.4.1 Signal decomposition in the time domain 2.4.2 Definition of the convolution integral 2.4.3 Graphical method for evaluating the convolution integral 2.4.4 Properties of the convolution integral 2.4.5 Comprehensive application instances 2.4.6 Convolution computation with MATLAB 2.5 Summary 3 Time-domain analysis of LTID systems 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Representation of an LTID system 3.1.1 Analytical description based on mathematical models 3.1.2 Description based on the block diagram 3.1.3 General form of the difference equation 3.2 Classical solution of the difference equation 3.2.1 Classical solution of the direct method 3.2.2 Zero-input response and zero-state response 3.2.3 Response calculation with MATLAB 3.3 Impulse response and step response 3.3.1 Basic discrete-time sequence 3.3.2 Unit impulse response and step response of an LTID system 3.3.3 Calculation with MATLAB 3.4 Convolution sum 3.4.1 Representation of sequences using Dirac delta functions 3.4.2 Convolution sum 3.4.3 Graphical method for evaluating the convotution sum 3.4.4 The carry-less multiplication method 3.4.5 Properties of the convolution sum 3.4.6 Convolution calcutation with MATLAB 3.4.7 Application of the convolution sum 3.5 Summary 4 Frequency-domain analysis of LTIC systems 4.0 Introduction 4.1 CTFS of periodic signals 4.1.1 Trigonometric CTFS 4.1.2 Symmetry of waveform and harmonic characteristics 4.1.3 Exponential Fourier series 4.1.4 Parsevai's power theorem 4.2 Fourier spectrum of periodic signals 4.2.1 Definition of the Fourier spectrum 4.2.2 Characteristics of the spectrum of periodic signals 4.2.3 Application of the Fourier series 4.3 Continuous-time Fourier transforms 4.3.1 Definition of CTFT 4.3.2 CTFT pairs for elementary CT signals 4.3.3 Properties of CTFT 4.3.4 Fourier transforms of real-valued even and odd functions 4.3.5 Parseval's energy theorem 4.3.6 CTFT of periodic functions 4.4 LTIC systems analysis using CTFT and CTFS 4.4.1 Response of the LTIC system to the complex exponential function 4.4.2 Response of the LTIC system to an arbitrary signal 4.4.3 The Fourier transfer function of an LTIC system 4.4.4 Steps of calculating the response with CTFT 4.4.5 Steps of ca |