内容推荐 杨金泉主编的《课外阅读100篇(8年级)/征服英语》选文精萃,题材广泛,时代感强。选文均选自近两年的英文报章杂志、网络媒体,题材涉及科技发展、异域风情、时尚生活、经济热点,名人轶事等各个方面,文体包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。 目录 生活时尚篇 One—winged angel Penguins How to protect yourself from radiation? The car didn't stop A terrible storm An unforgettable picnic 每周盘点 A charity show Your value comes from who you are Body changes Travel abroad How to practice English? A special weekend 每周盘点 Talk with your children Announcements Friends Bamboo Body language Henry's holidays Talking about the traffic in England Means of travel The police Musical chair How can you do well in an examination? How to escape a fire? 每周盘点 Advertisements A teacher of the old school Everyone does his job My hero Jean's net friend Swimming in the sea 每周盘点 Animals,our friends Pollution What do you know about eating? A letter from Lingling What to do if you get lost in the woods? …… 热点话题篇 科技发展篇 异域风情篇 名人轶事篇 幽默小品篇 参考答案与解析