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单词 way
释义 way
[weɪ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■a route, direction or path 路,道路;路线
Do you know the way to the train station?你知道去火车站怎么走吗?
I've only been living in Madrid for a couple of weeks so I don't really know my way around it yet.我只在马德里住了几个星期,所以还不太认识周围的路。
We'll have to stop for fuel on the way to the airport.我们将不得不在去机场的路上停下来加油。
Can you find your own way out of the building?你自己能找对路走出这栋楼吗?
It's getting late - we should make our way (= go) home soon.时候不早了——我们应该马上回家。
He elbowed/pushed his way (= hit/pushed people so that he could go past them) to the front of the crowd.他用胳膊肘/手推搡出一条路,挤到了人群前面。
The coach stopped for us to eat lunch but within half an hour we were on our way] under way (= travelling) again.长途汽车停下来让我们吃午饭,不过不到半小时,我们又上路了。
There's no way through the centre of town in a vehicle - it's for pedestrians only.市中心没有供车辆通行的道路——仅有一条步行街。
You'll have to go by way of (= travel through) Copenhagen if you want to go to Southern Sweden from here.从这里去瑞典南部只能取道哥本哈根。
Many people have lost their way (= become lost) in the forest.很多人在森林里迷了路。
Only a local person could find their way through the maze of narrow streets.只有本地人才能在迷宫般的狭窄街道中找到自己的路。
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■used to talk about the direction in which something is facing (某物面对的)方向
"Which way does the room face?" "North."“这个房间朝哪个方向?”“朝北。”
Which way up should this box be (= Which side should be on top) ?这个箱子应该哪一面朝上?
The numbers are the wrong way round - it should be 71, not 17.那个数字颠倒了——应该是71,不是17。
■used in the names of some roads …路(用于道路的名称)
Our offices are at 17 King's Way.我们的办事处在国王路17号。
[weɪ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  only singular (US ways)
■distance or a period of time 距离;一段时间
We walked a long way yesterday.昨天我们走了很长的一段路。
The holidays seem like they're a long way off.假期似乎还很遥远。
figurative There were people of every political belief at university, ranging all the way from communists to fascists.大学里有各种政治信仰的人,从极左分子到极右派人物都可以找到。
US They still have a ways to go.他们还要走一段路。
[weɪ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable or uncountable
■a particular choice, opinion, belief or action, especially from among several possibilities 方式,方法;样式;方面
I like the way you've had your hair done.我喜欢你的发型。
In some/many ways it would be better if we met on Monday rather than Wednesday.从某些/好多方面来说,我们周一见面要比周三见面好一些。
In a way (= Partly) , I would prefer it if they didn't come because it would mean extra work.从某一方面来说,我不太愿意他们来,因为那将意味着要额外操劳。
He might have to resign or he might be demoted, but either way, his career is effectively over.他可能要被迫辞职或被降职,但不管怎么说,他的事业实际上已经结束了。
They don't write songs the way (= as) they used to.他们不像以前那样写歌了。
[weɪ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  only singular
■the manner in which someone behaves or thinks, or in which something happens (思维)风格;(行事)作风;(某事发生的)方式
Don't be alarmed - it's just his way.别害怕——他就那样。
He looked at me in a sinister way.他恶狠狠地看着我。
It 's amazing the way she manages to stay so calm.她能保持如此镇定,真让人惊讶。
The way he was shouting, you'd have thought he was badly hurt.看他大喊大叫的样子,还以为他受了重伤。
To my way of thinking, they shouldn't be building so many roads.依我看,他们不该修这么多路。
It's always the way at work - either I've got nothing to do or I'm rushed off my feet!我工作时总是这样——要不无事可做,要不忙得停不住脚!
ways [plural]
■types of behaviour 行为方式,举止
Over the years we've got used to his funny little ways.多年来,我们已经习惯了他那些滑稽的举动了。
[weɪ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■an action that can produce the result you want; a method
There are many ways of solving the problem.
[+ to infinitive] That's not the way to do it - let me show you.
That method hasn't worked, so let's try your way.
[weɪ] noun
 IMPROVER  only singular
■the space needed for a particular movement or action
"Sorry, am I in your way? I'll move."
I couldn't see the stage because there was a pillar in the way (= between me and the stage).
Please make way so the ambulance can get by.
The best thing you can do if you're near to a tornado is get out of its way.
figurative She's determined to succeed and she won't let anything get/stand in her way (= prevent her).
[weɪ] noun
 ADVANCED  only singular informal
■If someone gets or has their way, what they want happens
If she doesn't get/have her (own) way, she sulks like a four-year-old.
[weɪ] noun
only singular
■the bad condition or state of someone or something, especially the state of a person's health
He's been in a bad way (= very ill) ever since the operation.
[weɪ] noun
all the way
■as much as possible or completely
If you want to take it up with the boss, I'll support you all the way.
[weɪ] noun
all the way to
■as far as someone or something at a high level in a process or structure
I'll take my complaint all the way to the managing director.
[weɪ] noun
(in) any way , shape or form
■in any way at all
I have never been involved in any way, shape or form with criminal activities.
[weɪ] noun
be on the way to sth
■to be close to doing something
I'm well on the way to completing the report.
[weɪ] noun
be out of the way
■If a place or a building is out of the way, it is a long distance from where most people live
It's a very beautiful village but it's a bit out of the way.
[weɪ] noun
by the way  ADVANCED 
■used to introduce a new subject to be considered or to give further information
I think we've discussed everything we need to - by the way, what time is it?
Oh, by the way, my name's Julie.
[weɪ] noun
by way of
■as a type of
He sent me some flowers by way of an apology.
[weɪ] noun
find a way
■to discover how to achieve or deal with something
Finding a way through the legislation is impossible without expert advice.
[weɪ] noun
give way to sth (also make way for sth) UK
■to be replaced by something, especially because it is better, cheaper, easier, etc
In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.
[weɪ] noun
go your own (sweet) way
■to do what you want without considering other people
It doesn't matter how much advice I give Cathy, she always goes her own sweet way.
[weɪ] noun
go your own way
■When people or groups of people choose to go their own way, they decide to live or work without continuing their previous personal or business relationship
After a couple of years together, we realized we weren't suited to one another and decided to go our own ways.
[weɪ] noun
go all the way informal
■to have sex, especially after a period of kissing and touching
Did you go all the way last night?
[weɪ] noun
go out of your way
■to try very hard to do something, especially for someone else
They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome by giving us the best room in the house.
[weɪ] noun
have it both ways
■to get advantages from two opposing things
You can't have it both ways - you either work longer and get paid more or have more leisure time and get paid less.
[weɪ] noun
no way informal  ADVANCED 
■used to tell someone that something is impossible
I'm sorry but there's no way we can help you.
No way will she agree to you leaving early.
■No way! * used to say 'no' in a forceful way
■1. "Go on, lend me your bike." "No way!"
[weɪ] noun
point the way
■to show how something can be done better in the future
Recent medical discoveries are already pointing the way to more efficient vaccines.
[weɪ] noun
talk your way into/out of sth informal
■to persuade people that you should do something/not do something by the reasons you give
He talked his way into the job.
You might be able to talk your way out of most things but you still have to clean the dishes!
[weɪ] noun
way of life  ADVANCED way 1




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