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单词 join
释义 join
[dʒɔɪn] verb
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to connect or fasten things together 连接;接合
A long suspension bridge joins the two islands.一座长长的吊桥将两座岛屿连接起来。
Join the two pieces together using strong glue.用强力胶把这两片黏起来。
The island is joined to the mainland by a road bridge.一座公路桥将小岛和大陆连接起来。
If you join (up)the dots on the paper, you'll get a picture.如果你将纸上的小点连起来,就会变成一幅画。
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■If roads or rivers join, they meet at a particular point (使)交会;(使)汇合
The A11 joins the M11 south of Cambridge.A11 干道在剑桥以南与 M11 高速公路交会。
The River Murray and the River Darling join east of Adelaide.墨瑞河和达令河在阿德莱德以东汇合。
[dʒɔɪn] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to get involved in an activity or journey with another person or group 加入;参加
I don't have time for a drink now, but I'll join you later.我现在没有时间喝一杯,但是稍后可以和你们会合。
Why don't you ask your sister if she would like to join us for supper?为甚么不问问你姐姐是否愿意和我们一起吃晚餐?
We took the ferry across the Channel and then joined (= got on) the Paris train at Calais.我们乘度船横过英吉利海峡,然后在加莱上了去巴黎的火车。
If you've come to buy tickets for tonight's performance, please join the UKqueue / USline (= stand at the end of it).如果你要买今晚演出的票,请排队。
I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing you a very happy retirement (= everyone else will do this too).我相信大家都会和我一样祝你退休生活愉快。
The police have joined with (= They have begun to work with) the drugs squad in trying to catch major drug traffickers.警方和缉毒队联手抓捕大毒贩。
The design company is planning to join up with a shoe manufacturer and create a new range of footwear.这家设计公司正计划与一家鞋厂联手推出一系列新鞋。
  Common Learner Errors   join or attend?Warning: choose the correct verb!To talk about going to an event, place, etc, don't say 'join', say attend :
I joined a conference about global warming.I attended a conference about global warming.Remember: attend is slightly formal. In more informal styles, say go to :I went to a conference on global warming.
[dʒɔɪn] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to become a member of an organization 成为(…的)一员,加入
I felt so unfit after Christmas that I decided to join a gym.圣诞节后我觉得身体状况不佳,决定加入一家健身房。
It's a great club. Why don't you join?这家俱乐部很棒。你为甚么不加入呢?
join the ranks
■to become one of a particular large group of people 加入行列
When I leave school at the end of this month, I'll probably have to join the ranks of the unemployed.我本月底毕业后很可能不得不加入失业大军。
[dʒɔɪn] verb
be joined in marriage/matrimony formal
■to become husband and wife in an official ceremony 结为夫妻
[dʒɔɪn] verb
join battle formal
■If armies join battle, they start to fight. 参战
[dʒɔɪn] verb
join hands
■If two or more people join hands, they hold each other's hands, especially in order to do something 携手;挽手
The teacher asked us to form a circle and join hands.老师让我们手拉着手围成一个圈。
[dʒɔɪn] verb
Join the club! informal
■said in answer to something that someone has said, meaning that you are in the same bad situation as them 彼此彼此!一样倒楣!
"I've got no money till the end of this week." "Join the club!"“一直到周末之前我都身无分文。”“彼此彼此!”
[dʒɔɪn] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   join in (sth)  ESSENTIAL 
■to become involved in an activity with other people 参加
We only need one more player for this game - can you persuade your sister to join in?我们这项比赛只差一个选手——你能说服你姐姐参加吗?
At the end of this verse, we'd like everyone to join in with the chorus.这段结束后,我们希望大家一起唱副歌。
[dʒɔɪn] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   join up UK
■If you join up, you become a member of one of the armed forces 从军,入伍
"Have you been in the army for a long time?" "I joined up as soon as I'd left school."“你从军很久了吗?”“我中学一毕业就从军了。”
[dʒɔɪn] noun countable
■a place where two things meet or are fastened together 接头;结点;接合处
She'd stitched the two pieces together really carefully so that you couldn't see the join.她将两块布非常仔细地缝在一起,你看不到接缝。




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