内容推荐 封一函主编的《英语人文读本(英国篇第2版)》收录的文章主题重经典意义和收藏价值。内容涉及伦理道德、宗教习俗、婚姻家庭、人际关系、大众文化、人文修养、心理健康、语言文学、经济政治、哲学美学等。写作体裁不限,包括议论文、散文、短篇自传、随笔、短篇小说等。每篇选文读来或是温馨甜蜜,或是发人深省,或是深情隽永,或是诙谐幽默,具有驱恶扬善、规谏或激励人生的精神作用。每篇文章还配有导读和生词难词及重要语言点注释,从而达到提高英语水平的目的,所选文章大多数都出自半个世纪以前的英国作家和思想家之手。 目录 1. The Beauty Industry 2. Meditation on the Moon 3. Punishment Never Cures Anything 4. Universities and Their Function 5. In July 6. On Book-Buying 7. What I Have Lived For 8. August 9. The Child Angel: A Dream 10. Insouciance 11. Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature 12. Journey Through a Tunnel 13. Unworldliness of the Early Christians 14. Take Your Home into Your Own Hands 15. Of Boldness 16. Of Studies 17. Of Youth and Age 18. Of Wisdom for a Man's Self 19. My Life Is Over 20. Politics and the English Language 21. Getting up on Cold Mornings 22. A Passion for Cities 23. First Snow 24. The Definition of a Gentleman 25. The Tapestry of Human Life 26. The Importance of One's Own Language 27. Good and Evil 28. About Books 29. A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding 30. Thoughts in Westminster Abbey 31. The Artist and the World 32. Upon Affectation 33. Heine and the Philistines 34. National Prejudices 35. Conversation 36. On Idleness 37. Preface to His Dictionary 38. Companionship of Books 39. On Recollections of Childhood 40. The Romance of History 41. On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth 42. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs 43. Her Own Village 44. The Faces of Buddha 45. An Afternoon Walk in October 46. On a Landscape of Nicholas Poussin 47. On Going a Journey 48. Lucidity, Simplicity, Euphony 49. Of Beauty, Fame, Longevity, etc 50. The Philosopher 51. The Joys of Writing