内容推荐 中国人习惯把日常生活概括为“衣食住行”,服饰排在了第一位,由此可见它在生活中的重要位置。在这个历史悠久的衣冠大国,不仅有丰富的考古资料记录其服饰发展的历史,在古代神话、史书、诗词、小说以及戏曲中,与服饰有关的记载也随处可见。伴随着民族问的相互融合,服饰的样式和穿着习俗不断演变,历史服饰不仅朝代之间有明显的差别,同一朝代的不同时期也有显著的变化。华梅著的《中国服饰(英文版)(精)/中华之美丛书》回顾了20世纪的中国服饰,旗袍、长衫、中山装、学生装、西服、礼帽、遮阳帽、丝袜、高跟鞋、工农服、列宁服、布拉吉、军便装、夹克衫、喇叭裤、迷你裙、比基尼、职业装、朋克装、T恤衫……种种不同时期不同风格的服饰见证了时代的变迁。 作者简介 华梅,天津师范大学教授,华梅服饰文化学研究所所长,原美术与设计学院院长。1983年起从事中国服装史教学,1994年创建服饰文化学新学科。至今出版专著56部,代表著作有《人类服饰文化学》《服饰与中国文化》《中国服装史》《西方服装史》《服装美学》等。 目录 Foreword From Barbarism to Monarchy From Ancient "One-piece Dresses" to Casual Garments and Gowns Incredible Silk Imperial Clothes and Clothing System Martial Attire Reformer - King Wuling of Zhao Drifting Loose Clothes and Broad Bands Extremely Gorgeous Tang Suits Elegant and Comfortable Casual Clothes Cultural Aggregation - Official Robes End of Monarchy and Introduction of Western Clothes to the East Cutting Plaits and Releasing Feet Coexistence of Long Gowns and Western-style Clothes Improved Cheongsams Combining Chinese and Western Features Rapidly Changing Modern Clothes Innovative Workers' Clothes and Farmers' Clothes Service Dresses Worn by Almost All People Bell-bottoms and Sunglasses Entered China First Jean Clothes Swept across China Lingering Bohemian Style "Anti-normal" Clothes Popular for a While Exposing Clothes Subverted Confucian Thoughts Amazing Chinese Shoes and Diversified Footwear Cherished Han Clothes Youths Following Trends of Fashion without Looking Back Diversified Ethnic Clothes Minority Ethnic Groups' Exotic Clothes Numerous Legends about Ethnic Clothes Special Techniques of Making Ethnic Clothes Where Do Primitive Clothes Go in the Internet Age? 导语 华梅著的《中国服饰(英文版)(精)/中华之美丛书》选取中国服饰长河中最闪光的一些点,将它们串联起来,以此展现了中国服饰从古至今的大致流变,以及不同时期的独特风格。同时,它并没有囿于服饰本身,而是着力对服饰背后的历史和文化进行解读。丰富的内容娓娓道来,读来轻松而有趣。 |