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书名 | 半导体物理电子学(第2版影印版)(精)/国外物理名著系列 |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-物理 |
作者 | (美)李 |
出版社 | 科学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 李著的《半导体物理电子学(第2版影印版)(精)》全面介绍了半导体物理的基本内容,这些内容是理解半导体的物理性质和光电器件制备原理的基础。本书系统性强,合理地安排了物理原理,表征法以及半导体材料和器件的应用等内容,兼顾了物理学家、材料学家和设备工程师的需求。本书反映了半导体技术在过去十年的进步,包括许多新出现并已进入市场的半导体器件。本书适合于电子工程,材料科学,物理和化学工程的研究生,也可供半导体工业的过程工程师和设备工程师参考。 目录 Preface 1.Classification of Solids and Crystal Structure 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Bravais Lattice 1.3 The Crystal Structure 1.4 Miller Indices and Crystal Planes 1.5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Brillouin Zone 1.6 Types of Crystal Bindings 1.7 Defects in a Crystalline Solid Problems Bibliography 2.Lattice Dynamics 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The One-Dimensional Linear Chain 2.3 Dispersion Relation for a Three-Dimensional Lattice 2.4 The Concept of Phonons 2.5 The Density of States and Lattice Spectrum 2.6 Lattice Specific Heat Problems References Bibliography 3.Semiconductor Statistics 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics 3.3 Fermi-Dirac Statistics 3.4 Bose-Einstein Statistics 3.5 Statistics for the Shallow-Impurity States in a Semiconductor Problems Bibliography 4.Energy Band Theory 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Basic Quantum Concepts and Wave Mechanics 4.3 The Bloch-Floquet Theorem 4.4 The Kronig-Penney Model 4.5 The Nearly Free Electron Approximation 4.6 The Tight-Binding Approximation 4.7 Energy Band Structures for Some Semiconductors 4.8 The Effective Mass Concept for Electrons and Holes 4.9 Energy Band Structures and Density of States for Low-Dimensional Systems Problems References Bibliography 5.Equilibrium Properties of Semiconductors 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Densities of Electrons and Holes in a Semiconductor 5.3 Intrinsic Semiconductors 5.4 Extrinsic Semiconductors 5.5 Ionization Energies of Shallow-and Deep-Level Impurities 5.6 Hall Effect,Electrical Conductivity,and Hall Mobility 5.7 Heavy Doping Effects in a Degenerate Semiconductor Problems References Bibliography 6.Excess Carrier Phenomenon in Semiconductors 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Nonradiative Recombination: The Shockley-Read-Hall Model 6.3 Band-to-Band Radiative Recombination 6.4 Band-to-Band Auger Recombination 6.5 Basic Semiconductor Equations 6.6 The Charge-Neutrality Equation 6.7 The Haynes-Shockley Experiment 6.8 The Photoconductivity Decay Experiment 6.9 Surface States and Surface Recombination Velocity 6.10 Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy Technique 6.11 Surface Photovoltage Technique Problems References Bibliography 7. Transport Properties of Semiconductors 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Galvanomagnetic, Thermoelectric, and Thermomagnetic Effects 7.3 Boltzmann Transport Equation 7.4 Derivation of Transport Coefficients for n-type Semiconductors 7.5 Transport Coefficients for the Mixed Conduction Case 7.6 Transport Coefficients for Some Semiconductors Problems References Bibliography 8. Scattering Mechanisms and Carrier Mobilities in Semiconductors. 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Differential Scattering Cross-Section 8.3 Ionized Impurity Scattering 8.4 Neutral Impurity Scattering 8.5 Acoustical Phonon Scattering 8.6 Optical Phonon Scattering 8.7 Scattering by Dislocations 8.8 Electron and Hole Mobilities in Semiconductors 8.9 Hot-Electron Effects in a Semiconductor Problems References Bibliography 9. Optical Properties and Photoelectric Effects 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Optical Constants of a Solid 9.3 Free-Carrier Absorption Process 9.4 Fundamental Absorption Process 9.5 The Photoconductivity Effect 9.6 The Photovoltaic (Dember) Effect 9.7 The Photomagnetoelectric Effect Problems References Bibliography 10. Metal-Semiconductor Contacts 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Metal Work Function and Schottky Effect 10.3 Thermionic Emission Theory 10.4 Ideal Schottky Contact 10.5 Current Flow in a Schottky Diode 10.6 Current-Voltage Characteristics o 导语 “国外物理名著系列”具有权威性、前瞻性和应用性强的特点。李著的《半导体物理电子学(第2版影印版)(精)》为其中一册,全面介绍了半导体物理的基本内容,这些内容是理解半导体的物理性质和光电器件制备原理的基础,适合于电子工程,材料科学,物理和化学工程的研究生。 |
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