内容推荐 wh-量化结构的句法语义自20世纪七八十年代以来成为生成语法中最重要的课题之一。花东帆著的《论WH量化(英文版)/海外语言学博士论文文库》从wh-量化切入,分析自然语言在逻辑语义的层面如何对不同性质的wh-词进行解读。作者认为砌一词解读的跨语言和语言内的差别由wh-词的性质(算子vs.变量),wh-词的句法分布(移位vs.原位)以及解读机制(wh移位/无选择约束)决定,而wh-词跨语言的句法差异取决于以上三个维度不同的参数设定。 作者简介 花东帆,博士,副教授,上海外国语大学语言研究院专职研究员。上海外国语大学英语系英语语言文学专业学士,新加坡教育学院教育文凭,香港中文大学英文系应用语言学哲学硕士,香港城市大学中文、翻译及语言学系语言学博士。主要研究领域:句法学、语义学、语言形态学、二语习得。 目录 Chapter 1 WH Types and Division of Lal~r between Move WH and Unseleetive Binding 1.1 Two Strategies of WH Scope Assignment: An Introduction 1.2 Move WH, Wh-expressions as Quasi-quantifiers, and Quantifier Raising (QR) 1.3 Wh-expressions as Variables and Unselective Binding 1.4 An Apparent Dilemma: A Summary 1.5 Move WH and Unselective Binding: A Combined Approach 1.6 LF Reconstruction and Economy Notes Chapter 2 Pied-piping, Referentiality, and W/t-adjuncts 2.1 Subjacency and the Overt-Covert Wh-Movement Asymmetry " 2.2 ECP and the Argument-Adjunct Asymmetry 2.3 The Combined Approach: A Resolution for Scope Asymmetries Notes Chapter 3 Polarity Insensitivity, Quantification of Wh-variables, and Non-anaphoric'Donkey Sentences' 3.1 The Negative Polarity Hypothesis and the NEEC 3.2 Polarity Insensitivity and Inadequacy of the NEEC: Some Evidence 3.3 Quantification of Wh-variables 3.4 Anaphoric 'Donkey Sentences 3.5 Non-anaphoric'Donkey Sentences 3.6 Summary Notes References VITA