内容推荐 徐伟主编的《英语(高1下经典版)/晨读晚练》精选时尚美文,涵盖流行话题;注重词汇拓展,深度剖析长难句;优美译文对照,推荐必背好句;题型新颖丰富,提前感悟高考;晨读、晚练对应,渗透高效理念。 本书的定位是时文和美文,选取的都是目前真实鲜活的语言。由于题材包罗万象,读者难免会觉得有些文章生词数量偏多,尤其在科技说明文中,这是不可避免的。读者大可不必望而却步。首先,较难的词,尤其是专业词汇,已经在“生词加油站”中标注,不影响阅读;其次,对照参考译文,理解原文毫无问题;再者,如果为了完全照顾学生的现有语言水平而对文章作大幅度的修改,这样学生的词汇量得不到提高,同时也影响语言的真实性和时文信息的有效性。因此,在真实的语境中进行浸润式的阅读,学生可以在潜移默化中提高自身的语言能力。 目录 Week 1 Individual,Family and Friends MON.晨读 A Forever Friend 晚练 My Best Friend TUES.晨读 The Angel of a Child 晚练 My Grandfather WED.晨读 What Is Friendship 晚练 Solutions to the Problems About Our OIder THUR.晨读 Eating Together with Families 晚练 Sing for My Father FRI.晨读 That“Other Woman”in My Life 晚练 My Father’S Present Week 2 Language Study and School Education MON.晨读Engl ish Reading 晚练Methods of Learning a Foreign Language TUES.晨读The Importance of Engl ish 晚练 Body Language WED.晨读 Cheating in Exam 晚练 Cheating THUR.晨读 My History Lesson 晚练 How to Learn a Foreign Language Effectively? FRI.晨读 Paris Followed by London in Best Student Cities 晚练 The Importance of Learning EngIish Week 3 Emotion,Mood and Communication MON.晨读 The Real Meaning of Peace 晚练 Salty Coffee TUES.晨读 The Stories of People’S Life,the Scenery of People’S Soul 晚练 Thanks for Kind Strangers WED.晨读Some Traits of a Good Friend 晚练 My Upset THUR.晨读 Sent the Flowers to a Stranger 晚练 Love You More Than I Can Say FRI.晨读Say Hello to Others 晚练 Neighbors …… Week 4 Scientific Knowledge and Modern Technology Week 5 Diet,Nourishing,Hygiene and Health Week 6 History and Society Week 7 World and Environment Week 8 Nature(Plant,Creature) and Weather Week 9 Shopping,Entertainment and Sports Week 10 Humanity and Art(Music,Painting and so on) Week 11 Character and Experience Week 12 Internet and Career Week 13 Folk Custom and Festival Culture Week 14 Fable,Story and Poetry 参考答案与解析 |