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内容推荐 马克·米勒、史蒂芬·托马逊主编的《米勒高级骨科学教程(第7版英文影印版)(精)》是骨科外科领域的权威教科书,在国际骨科学界享有盛名,是美国骨科专科医师培训教材。本书由国际著名专家共同编写,参阅了最新的基础研究与临床研究成果,对骨科医生和基础研究人员具有重要参考价值。该书是其最新版,第7版。北京大学医学出版社原版影印出版,帮助国内读者近距离读到原版英文专著。 作者综述了包括:骨科基础科学,骨科解剖,骨科病理学,儿童骨科,运动医学,足踝疾病,成人关节置换,手、上肢和显微血管外科,脊柱,步态、截肢、假肢、矫形器和神经损伤康复,创伤等方面的新进展,并对骨科临床工作准则和统计方面也做了介绍。 目录 1 BASIC SCIENCE, Matthew R. Schmitz, Marc McCord DeHart, Zain Qazi, and Franklin O. Shuler SECTION 1 ORTHOPAEDIC TISSUES, Bone, Joints, Neuromuscular and Connective Tissues, SECTION 2 ORTHOPAEDIC BIOLOGY, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Infections and Microbiology, SECTION 3 PERIOPERATIVE AND ORTHOPAEDIC MEDICINE, Perioperative Problems, SECTION 4 OTHER BASIC PRINCIPLES, Imaging and Special Studies, Biomaterials and Biomechanics, TESTABLE CONCEPTS, 2 ANATOMY, F. Winston Gwathmey, Jr., and M. Tyrrell Burrus SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION, Overview, SECTION 2 UPPER EXTREMITY, Shoulder, Arm, Forearm, Wrist and Hand, SECTION 3 LOWER EXTREMITY, Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh, Knee and Leg, Ankle and Foot, SECTION 4 SPINE, Osteology, Arthrology, Surgical Approaches to the Spine, TESTABLE CONCEPTS, 3 PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS, Matthew R. Schmitz, Jeremy K. Rush, and Todd A. Milbrandt SECTION 1 UPPER EXTREMITY PROBLEMS, Brachial Plexus Palsy, Sprengel Deformity, Fibrotic Deltoid Problems, Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Clavicle, Poland Syndrome, Apert Syndrome, SECTION 2 LOWER EXTREMITY PROBLEMS: GENERAL, Rotational Problems of the Lower Extremities, Leg Length Discrepancy, SECTION 3 HIP AND FEMUR, Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, Congenital Coxa Vara, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (Coxa Plana), Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis, Bladder Exstrophy, Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency, Congenital Dislocation of the Knee, Lower Extremity Inflammation and Infection, SECTION 4 KNEE AND LEG, Leg, Tibial Bowing, Osteochondritis Dissecans, Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Discoid Meniscus, Congenital Dislocation of the Knee, SECTION 5 FOOT, Clubfoot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus), Metatarsus Adductus and Skewfoot, Pes Cavus (Cavus Foot), Congenital Vertical Talus, Tarsal Coalitions, 4 SPORTS MEDICINE 5 ADULT RECONSTRUCTION 6 DISORDERS OF THE FOOT AND ANKLE 7 HAND, UPPER EXTREMITY,AND MICROVASCULAR SURGERY 8 SPINE 9 ORTHOPAEDIC PATHOLOGY 10 REHABILITATION: GAIT,AMPUTATIONS, PROSTHESES, ORTHOSES, AND NEUROLOGIC INJURY 11 TRAUMA 12 PRINCIPLES OF PRACTICE 13 BIOSTATISTICS AND RESEARCH DESIGN