modest UK ['mɒd.ɪst] US ['mɑ:.dɪst] adjective NOT LARGE 不大的 IMPROVER ■not large in size or amount, or not expensive 不大(或多、贵)的;适中的•They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.就他们拥有的财富而言,他们的住所不大。 •There has been a modest improvement/recovery in housing conditions for the poor.穷人的居住条件有了些许改善。 •The party made modest gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted.这个党派在选举中取得了一定成绩,但和人们预计的巨大收获相差甚远。 •Just a modest portion for me, please.只要一小份就好,谢谢。 UK ['mɒd.ɪst] US ['mɑ:.dɪst] adjective QUIETLY SUCCESSFUL 成功而不张扬的 approving ■not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements 谦虚的,谦逊的•He's very modest about his achievements.他对自己的成就很谦虚。 UK ['mɒd.ɪst] US ['mɑ:.dɪst] adjective CLOTHES/BEHAVIOUR 衣服/行为 old-fashioned ■describes something such as a woman's clothes or behaviour, which is intended to avoid attracting sexual interest (女子的衣着、举止等)端庄的,正派的,朴素的•a modest walk/manner端庄的步态/举止 |