内容推荐 外文出版社有限责任公司编的《新疆的文化保护与发展(英文版)》共包括六个部分,分别为新疆各民族文化是中华文化的组成部分、各民族语言文字广泛使用、宗教文化受到尊重和保护、文化遗产保护和传承取得成绩、文化事业和文化产业不断发展、对外文化交流日趋活跃。 目录 Preamble Ⅰ. Xinjiang Ethnic Cultures Are Part of the Chinese Culture Ⅱ. The Spoken and Written Languages of Ethnic Groups Are Widely Used Ⅲ. Respecting and Protecting Religious Culture Ⅳ. Protecting and Carrying Forward Cultural Heritage Ⅴ. Constant Development of Cultural Undertakings and the Cultural Industry Ⅵ. Active Cultural Exchanges with Other Countries Conclusion