内容推荐 肖永平、主编的冯洁菡《中国促进国际法治报告(2017年)(英文版)》系统梳理2017年中国在国际法治的各个重要领域所表明的理念、坚持的原则和立场,以及采取的具体行动。本书在体例上分为综述和专题两大部分。主要内容集中于中国2017年在国家间关系法治、国际经济关系法治、国际民商事关系法治以及国际法海外传播领域参与的制度创建以及实践活动。其内容与中文版相对应。 目录 Part Ⅰ China's Practice in Promoting International Rule of Law Rule of Law and Relations among States The Development of the Exploitation Code in the Area and China's Position Design of the Energy Community of China and its Neighboring Countries: Legal Basis and Possible Approaches China and International Human Rights Law China's Practice in International Humanitarian Law China's Practice in International Criminal Law China's Practice in Other Fields Rule of Law, International Economic Relations and International Civil & Commercial Affairs Part Ⅱ Reports on Specific Themes Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind: China's View of International System in the New Era From Peaceful Coexistence to Win-win Cooperation: Cognitive Iteration of the Chinese Concept of International Rule of Law BRI and the Rule of Law The International Legal Implications of the "Belt and Road Initiative" for International Cooperation Innovation of the Belt and Road Dispute Settlement Mechanism -- From the Perspective of International Law and Comparative Law The Innovation of Civil and Commercial Dispute Settlement Mechanisms along the "Belt and Road" China's Ratification of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: Analysis and Proposals The International Investment Arbitration under the Belt and Road Initiative China-Africa Cooperation on Access to Medicine under the BRI: The Utilization of Traditional Medicine and the Promotion of International Intellectual Property System Reform