内容推荐 萨洛、阿舍原著的《新通用大学英语综合教程(2第2版十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)》在第一版的基础上,更新Text C的篇章及习题,保留其余大部分的语料内容,但是,配合赵雯老师在中国大学MOOC上线的“大学英语”慕课教学实践,进行新的篇幅调整,力图在新的网络教学时代做出一种全新出版方式的尝试和探索。 目录 UNIT 1 Greetings and Small Talk UNIT 2 Movies and Entertainment UNIT 3 Staying at Hotels UNIT 4 Cars and Driving UNIT 5 Personal Care and Appearance UNIT 6 Eating Well UNIT 7 Psychology and Personality UNIT 8 EnJoying the Arts UNIT 9 Living with the Internet UNIT 10 Ethics and Values Glossary for Listening Glossary for Reading