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书名 | 中国新型互联网支付法律监管问题研究(英文版) |
分类 | 人文社科-法律-中国法律 |
作者 | 李文 |
出版社 | 法律出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 李文著的《中国新型互联网支付法律监管问题研究(英文版)》的主要研究对象和重点是伴随着中国新型互联网支付而发生的金融监管法律关系。本书深入研究了中国互联网支付两大重要组成部分,即互联网第三方支付和虚拟货币支付。结合英美法当中的经典的一般性监管理论和金融监管理论,同时结合欧盟法对于互联网支付的法律监管的理论与实践,历史地、全面地、系统性地研究了有关中国新型互联网支付的法律问题,包括市场准入、持续性监管要求、沉淀资金监管、金融风险防范、监管策略与方式选择、促进技术创新与进步等法律问题。最后对我国在该领域能够考虑从发达经济体借鉴的经验做了抽象和总结。 作者简介 李文,1983年出生,籍贯湖南衡阳。 英国伦敦大学商法专业哲学博士 英国爱丁堡大学创新、技术与法学硕士 中国政法大学法学学士 自2016年3月起,任中国政法大学副教授,硕士研究生导师。主讲金融法案例、金融法实务、外国合同法、英美金融法、财税金融法等本科生和研究生课程。 2016年回国任教之前,全职任教于英国赫特福德大学法学院,并获终身教职(permanent position),历任法学讲师、硕士研究生导师,主讲国际金融法、英国/国际银行法、英国商法、英国合同法、英国/欧盟知识产权法、中国商法和中国金融法等。 主要研究领域和学术兴趣集中在中国金融法、英美金融法以及国际金融法。在中国、英国、加拿大、印度等国发表金融法学学术论文多篇,并多次在国际性学术会议发表论文和演讲。 社会兼职: 中国银行法学研究会理事 英国高等教育研究院副研究员 英国法律学者协会会员 全英中国法学会会员 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.Introduction 1.1 Subjects of research 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Literature and other sources 2.Sources of law and hierarchy of the Chinese law in the Chinese legal system 2.1 Legislations 2.1.1 The National People s Congress and its Standing Committee: Constitution and Laws Constitution Laws(法律) 2.1.2 The State Council: Administrative Regulations 2.1.3 Local People s Congresses: Local Regulations, Autonomous Regulations, and Specific Regulations Provincial governments Governments of the Provincial Capital Cities or Larger Cities Governments of the Special Economic Zones Governments of Autonomous Areas 2.1.4 Ministries of the State Council: Departmental Rules 2.1.5 Local People s Governments: Local Rules 2.2 Interpretations of laws 2.3 Case law 2.4 International treaties Ahapter 2 Basic Concepts of Money, payment and Chinese Payment Systems 1.Basic concepts of money, payment and payment system models 1.1 What is money? 1.2 What is payment? 1.3 Two basic fund transfer models: credit transfer and debit transfer 1.4 Two basic payment systems: accountbased system and cashbased system 2.Chinese payment systems 2.1 A brief history and the development of the Chinese payment system 2.1.1 Planned economy stage (1949-1978) 2.1.2 Initial reform and opening up stage (1978-1992) 2.1.3 The stage between 1992 and 2000 2.1.4 New century stage (2000 and afterwards) 3.An analytical introduction to new Internet payment in the Internet era in contemporary China 3.1 Categorizations of Renminbi new Internet payment 3.1.1 Internet as a new window to facilitate Renminbi transfers, where Internet third party payment providers are not involved Internet banking transfer payment Direct connection between the Internet businesses and Internet banking 3.1.2 The Internet third party payment The Internet third party gateway payment Virtual accounts payment 3.2 Virtual currency new Internet payment 3.3 Cryptocurrency 4.Conclusion Chapter 3 Theories of Regulation, Banking and Financial Regulation and Payment Services RegulationIntroduction 1.General theory of regulation 1.1 What is regulation? 1.2 Why regulate? 1.2.1 Monopolies and natural monopolies 1.2.2 Windfall profits 1.2.3 Externalities 1.2.4 Information inadequacies 1.2.5 Continuity and availability of service 1.2.6 Anticompetitive behaviour and predatory pricing 1.2.7 Public goods and moral hazard 1.2.8 Unequal bargaining power 1.2.9 Scarcity and rationing 1.2.10 Rationalization and coordination 1.2.11 Planning 1.2.12 Other regulatory rationales 1.3 What is a good regulation? 2.Theory of banking and financial regulation and its application to the regulation of Internet payment services 2.1 Definition of bank regulation and bank supervision 2.2 Arguments and justifications for regulating banking and financial sectors, and applications to Internet payment services 2.2.1 Fundamental justification: confidence 2.2.2 Three main arguments for the regulation of banking and financial sectors and Internet payment services The first argument: protection against monopolies The second argument: client protection The third argument: ensuring systemic stability 2.2.3 Specific and standard justifications of government regulation and their applications to Internet payment services 2.2.4 An additional argument and justification for regulating new Internet payment services |
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