1 Research Progress of Semi-physical Verification Technology
Based on Photoelectric Sensing
1.1 Origin and Development of Semi-physical Simulation
1.2 Basic Concept of Semi-physical Simulation Verification
1.3 System Structure of Semi-physical Simulation Verification
1.4 Application of Photoelectric Sensing Technology
in Semi-physical Verification Test
1.4.1 Application of Photoelectric Sensing Technology
in Military Field in Semi-physical Verification Test
1.4.2 Application of Photoelectric Sensing Technology
in Civil Field in Semi-physical Verification Test
1.5 Research Progress of Semi-physical Verification Technology
for RFID Dynamic Performance
1.5.1 Semi-physical Testing System for Single RFID Tag
1.5.2 Semi-physical Testing System for Pallet Level
1.5.3 Semi-physical Testing System for Packaging Grade
1.5.4 Semi-physical Testing System for High Power Level
1.6 Summary
2 Multi-antenna Optimal Reception Theory and Semi-physical
Verification for RFID-MIMO System
2.1 MIMO Wireless Communication Technology
2.2 Channel Model of RFID-MIMO System
2.3 Simulation and Analysis of RFID-MIMO System
2.4 Antenna Selection Technique
2.4.1 Optimal Antenna Selection Technique
2.4.2 Sub-optimal Antenna Selection Technique
2.4.3 Simulation and Analysis
2.5 Semi-physical Verification Method of RFID Reading Distance
Measurement Based on Photoelectric Sensor
2.5.1 Indirect Ranging Algorithm for Single Tag System
2.5.2 Indirect Ranging Algorithm for Multi-tag System
2.5.3 Performance Testing for Single Tag
2.5.4 Performance Testing for Multi-tag
2.5.5 Multi-tag Anti-collision Performance Test
2.6 Summary
3 Influence of Temperature on the Dynamic Reading Performance
of UHF RFID System: Thermodynamic Analysis
and Semi-physical Verification
3.1 Theory of Heat Transfer
3.2 The Effect of Temperature on Reading Distance
of RFID System
3.2.1 Reading Distance of RFID System
3.2.2 Temperature Effect on Reading Distance
3.3 Measuring System and Measuring Method
3.3.1 Design of the Temperature Control System
3.3.2 Semiconductor Cooler
3.3.3 Semi-physical Verification System Platform
3.4 Experimental Results and Analysis
3.4.1 Influence of the Thickness of Plastic Box
3.4.2 Establishment of Fitted Model
3.4.3 Predication of the Reading Distance of Tags
3.5 Summary
4 Optimal Analysis and Semi-physical Verification of Geometric
Distribution of RFID Multi-tag Based on Fisher Matrix
4.1 Tag Geometric Distribution Model
4.2 Mathematical Foundation of Optimal Multi-tag Geometric
4.3 Distribution Model Based on Fisher Information Matrix
4.4 Research on Geometric Distribution
of Multi-tag Optimization
4.4.1 Design of Semi-physical Verification System
4.4.2 Semi-physical Experiment Verification
4.5 Research on Multi-tag Dynamic Geometry Model
4.5.1 Theoretical Derivation
4.5.2 System Simulation and Analysis
4.5.3 Target Moves Uniformly Along Different Paths
4.5.4 Target Moves with Variable Speed Along
Different Paths
4.6 Summary
5 Application and Semi-physical Verification of Artificial Neural
Network in RFID Multi-tag Distribution Optimization
5.1 Optimization of RFID Multi-tag Distribution Based
on BP Neural Network
5.1.1 Basic Concept of BP Neural Network
5.1.2 The Algorithm of BP Neural Network
5.1.3 Design and Implement of RFID Multi-tag Detection
5.1.4 Training of BP Neural Network and Result Analysis
5.2 Optimization of RFID Multi-tag Distribution Based on GA-BP
Neural Network
5.2.1 Basic Concept of GA-BP Neural Network
5.2.2 GA-BP Algorithm
5.2.3 Result of GA-BP Neural N