expansive [ɪk'spænt.sɪv] adjective TALKING 倾谈 formal ■very happy to talk to people in a friendly way 友善健谈的;豪爽的;开朗的•He was in an expansive mood on the night of the party.聚会那天晚上,他情绪很好,豪爽健谈。 [ɪk'spænt.sɪv] adjective LARGE 广阔的 ■covering a large area 广阔的,辽阔的;浩瀚的•There was an expansive view from the window.从窗口望去,辽阔的景色一览无遗。 •"All this is mine," she said with an expansive (= using big movements) arm gesture.“所有这一切都是我的,”她一边比手画脚一边说着。 |