内容推荐 李文娟著的《区域发展的驱动力探索(英文版)》以瑞典20世纪90年代以来的区域经济增长为对象,采用创新的定量分析方法建立空间模型,从内涵增长角度分析区域经济发展的机制和驱动力。通过运用地理信息系统中空间分析的方法,把这些微观个人历史数据通过地理坐标与自然资源及土地利用数据联系起来,进而以地域单元、局域和腹地为基础进行多层次汇总。利用汇总后的数据建立多层次空间模型以揭示出对区域经济发展影响最大的因素。 目录 GeneraI Theory Prologue l Introduction 2 Geographic and Economic Approaches in Regional Growth 3 Aim and Structure of the Thesis 4 Data Sources 5 Methodology 6 Summary of the Three Papers 7 Econoic Growth beyong the Swedish Context——a Brief Comparison 8 Epilogue Regional and Structural Factors in Swedish Regional Growth during the 1990s 1 Introduction 2 Sweden and Swedish Regional Growth during the 1990s 3 Method.Data and Definition 4 Decomposing the Model of Regional Growth into Regional and Structural Factors 5 Resuhs and Analysis 6 Conclusions Attractive vicinities 1 Introduction 2 Spatial Organisation and Place Atractiveness——a Conceptual Model 3 Empirical Analysis 4 Method 5 Results 6 Discussion 7 Conclusion Localised Conditions for Economic GrOwth——Testing the Endogenous Growth Hypothesis 1 Introduction 2 Localised Conditions for Economic Growth-a Conceptual Model 3 Data and Variables 4 Method 5 Results 6 Discussion 7 Conclusion References