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![]() 我又开新坑了…… 文案? 我觉得我的文案写出来会和内容放不到一起去怎么办?我就直接打背景吧 --------------------------------- 洛特斯大陆上,最高的统治者便是光明神。 光明神维护着这片大陆的秩序。但慢慢地,各方反叛实力开始崛起…… -------------------------------- 该死的我写不下去了!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------- In the beginning ,God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void,and darkness was over the face of the deep .And the Spirt of God was hovering over the face of waters. And God said,"Let there be light",and there waslight.And God saw that the light from the darkness he called Night. And there wasevening and there was morning,the first day. --GENESIS,THE OLD TESTAMWNT, |