Chapter One Culture and Intercultural Communication
1.1 The Definition of Culture
1.2 The Characteristics of Culture
2.1 The Definition of Communication
2.2 The Communication Process
III.Business Communication
3.1 The Definition of Business Communication
3.2 The Structure of Business Communication
IV.Intercultural Communication
Chapter Two Cultural Patterns
I.Hall's Highcontext and Lowcontext Orientations
II.Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations
2.1 Human Nature
2.2 Humankind and Nature
2.3 Sense of Time
2.4 Activity
2.5 Social Relationship
III.Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
3.1 Individualism versus Collectivism
3.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
3.3 Power Distance
3.4 Masculinity versus Femininity
3.5 Longterm versus Shortterm Time Orientation
Chapter Three Verbal Communication
I.Understanding Language
II.The Relationship between Language and Culture
2.1 The Influence of Culture on Language
2.2 The Influence of Language on Culture
III.Meanings of Words
3.1 Defining Denotational Meaning and Connotational Meaning
3.2 Culturally Loaded Words
IV.Discourse Patterns and Thought Patterns
4.1 Parataxis V.S.Hypotaxis
4.2 Subjective V.S.Objective
4.3 Deductive V.S.Inductive
4.4 Linear V.S.Nonlinear
Chapter Four Nonverbal Communication
I.The Definition of Nonverbal Communication
II.Nonverbal Communication and Culture
III.Functions of Nonverbal Communication
IV.Elements of Nonverbal Communication
4.1 Kinesics
4.2 Proxemics
4.3 Chronemics
4.4 Paralanguage
4.5 Silence
4.6 Clothing
Chapter Five Written Communication
I.Four Keys to Effective Writing
1.1 Identifying Your Audience
1.2 Establishing Your Purpose
1.3 Formulating Your Message
1.4 Selecting Your Tone
II.Practical Writing
2.1 How to Write a Letter?
2.2 How to Apply for an Ideal Job?
2.3 How to Write a Report?
2.4 How to Write a Memo?
Chapter Six Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol
I.The Importance of Appropriate Etiquette and Protocol
II.Cultural Difference in Business Etiquette and Protocol
2.1 Initial Business Relationships
2.2 Social Entertainment
2.3 Giftgiving Etiquette
2.4 Conversation Taboos
Chapter Seven Intercultural Business Negotiation
I.Understanding Negotiation
1.1 The Definition of Negotiation
1.2 Intercultural Negotiation Variables
II.Intercultural Negotiation Process
2.1 Prenegotiation Stage
2.2 Facetoface Negotiation
2.3 Postnegotiation
III.Crosscultural Negotiations (Different Negotiation Styles)
3.1 Chinese Styles of Negotiation
3.2 U.S.Approaches to Negotiation
3.3 Japanese Styles of Negotiation
IV.Intercultural Negotiation Strategies
Chapter Eight Managing Intercultural Conflicts
I.The Problems in Intercultural Communication
1.1 The Complexity in Intercultural Communication
1.2 The Conflicts in Intercultural Business Communication
II.The Steps Eliminating Intercultural Business Communication Barriers