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书名 那一抹月光
分类 文学艺术-文学-中国文学
作者 张越越
出版社 河南人民出版社



第一辑倾心一爱/Chapter 1 Love and Devotion

 四季礼赞/Praise of the Four Seasons

 倾心一爱/Love and Devotion

 枫·魂6鬼/Maples with Spirit and Soul

 江南水乡/The Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River 

 那一抹月光/Moonlight in the Sky

 关于雨的遐想/Fantasy in Rain

 深园竹影/Shadows of Bamboo in the Serene Garden 

 幽琴何处/L/Lingering music 

 雨巷/Alleys in Rain 。

 玉兰花香飘满路/The Floating Fragrance of a Magnolia Flower

 夜·静谧/Serene Night

 秋·叶/Failing Leaves 

 微蓝伤韵/A Blue Flower in a State of Sentimentality

 飘渺/In a Barely Discernible State

 天籁/Sounds of Nature

 墨香/Fragrant Ink

 断桥残雪/Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge

 那年的花/Faded Flowers 


第二辑 试说人生/Chapter 2 Comprehension of Life

 “人”的论述/Intell)retation of“Man”

 人生三说Three Stories of“Man”

 论苦/On Bitterness

 咖啡·人生/Hie is a Cup 0f Coffee


 A Broken—winged Butterfly Intends to Flv Over the Sea

 丹布朗小说读后感/Reflection on A N0vel bv Dan Brown

 心灵栖息处/Soul Habitat

 水利万物而不争/Water Brings Benefits without Contending

 盛世独;itE/A Single Flower in Prosperous Ages

 杂记/Casual Thought I 

 过去·未来·现在/Past,Future and Present


 The Intermediate Line between Sense and Sensibility

 开始与结K/Start and End

 一场云烟,一场梦/One CloudOne Dream

 那一方净土/A Piece of Pure Land


 残花落定/The Seasonal Flowers Stopped Falling


第三辑 飞天之虑/Chapter 3 Anxiety of Apsaras

 飞天/Apsaras in Mogao Grottoes

 逛街随感/Notes from Shopping

 论“阳刚作文”/On Integrity in Essay Writing


Lucky Being Born in A Meaningful Time 

 古城/Ancient City

 杂记/Casual Thought II

 偏激·艺术 /The Extremes of An Artist

 《皇帝的新衣》续q/Continuity of“The Emperorg New Clothes”

第四辑 心有感动/Chapter 4 Be Deeply Moved~O OIm Q OI

 那份感动系心中/A Touching Moment-

 我多想还能握住你的手-/Eagerness to Hold Your Hands

 壹年/One Year 

 “慢慢地,快点!”/Hurry Up!But Slowly

 特殊的爱/Father’S Love 


 那朵红莲/111e Red Lotus


第五辑 隐形翅膀/Chapter 5 Invisible Wings Q g O Q gI~IO O Q


 March to Your Dream Destination 

 跑,不停地跑/Keep on Running

 让勇气如影随形/In the Company of Courage

 语言的碎片/Language Pieces

 无题之一/Untitled I 

 无题之ZJUntitled II

 以史为鉴/Take History as A Mirror

 先学会飞/Learn to Fly

 丑小鸭·天鹅/Ugly Duck and Swan


 已习惯/In the Habit of Independence


第六辑 风铃轻II~/Chapter 6 Wind Chime

 且听风铃轻响/The Dwindling Sound of a Wind Chime

 我想我是那阵风I am the Wind

 我愿让风儿走得更远些/Let the Wind Go Further

 写给我的同学/To My Desk—mate


 卷面分析报告An Analysis of Test Paper

 歌/ Song


 上善若水/The highest g00d is like that of water

 今年的雪天,特别冷/Snow is Rather Cold This Year


第七辑 放眼四海/Chapter 7 Looking Around


 L00k at the World with the Eyes of a 16一year—old Girl

 欧洲之行/A Journey to Europe 


 The View on an Abandoned American Spaceship


 冷漠/A City’S Indifference





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