Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 StructuralPriming:The Targetof Research
1.3 Rationale
1.3.1 TheoreticalValues
1.3.2 PedagogicalandMethodologicalValues
1.4 Key Research Questions
1.5 Structure of the Book
Chapter2 L2Learning of Grammar Constructions:AUsage-
2.1 DefiningtheUsage.basedModel
2.2 Constructions
2.2.1 What Is Construction
2.2.2 Construction as a Prototype Category
2.2.3 Schematization and Entrenchment
2.2.4 TypeFrequency vs.Token Frequency
2.3 The Usage-based Perspective of Construction Learning
2.3.1 Associative Learning Mechanisms
2.3.2 The Connectionist Models
2.3.3 L1 Acquisition visavis L2 Acquisition
2.4 Problems with the Usage-based Perspective of SLA
2.5 Summary
Chapter3 Syntactic Priming and Language Learning.
3.1 An Overview of Syntactic Priming
3.1.1 Representational Underpinning of Syntactic Priming
3.1.2 Techniques in Syntactic Priming Research
3.2 Mechanisms of Syntactic Priming
3.2.1 The Activation Account
3.2.2 Syntactic Primingasa Form of Implicit Learning
3.2.3 Strengthening of Message-to-syntax Mappings
3.3 Constraintson Syntactic Priming Effects
3.3.1 Constraints on Short-term Effects
3.3.2 Constraints on Long.term Effects
3.4 Application of Syntactic Primingto Language AcquisitiOn
3.4.1 Syntactic Priming in Children
3.4.2 Syntactic Priming in L2 Learners
3.5 Summary
Chapter4 Exploring Syntactic Primingin L2 ProduCtion:
Issuesand Predictions
4.1 TargetStructureoftheStudy:EnglishDativCConstruCtions
4.1.1 ASketchof English Dative Constructions
4.1.2 Constraintson Dative Alternation
4.1.3 Interacti on between Verbsand Constructions
4.1.4 AContrastiveAnalysisofEnglishandChineseDative
4.1.5 EmpiricalSLAStudiesonDativeAlternation
4.2 Synthesizing Syntactic Priming with L2 Learning of Grammar
Chapter5 Syntactic Priming in L2 Learners
Chapter6 General Discussion and Conclusions
Appendix1 Stimuli Used in Experiment 1
Appendix2 Prines Used in Expeuiment 2
Appendix3 Samples of the Pictures Used in Experiment 2
Appendix4 Stimuli Used in Experiments 3 and 4