mystery UK ['mɪs.tər.i] US [-tɚ-] noun STRANGE/UNKNOWN THING 奇怪/不知名事物 ADVANCED countable or uncountable ■something strange or not known which has not yet been explained or understood 神秘的事物,难以理解的事物,谜•How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery.巨石到底怎样从几百英里以外运到这里来仍然是个谜。 •The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.警方找到凶器后,谜团就解开了。 •The book tries to explain some of the mysteries of life.该书试图解释一些生命之谜。 •The details of the scandal remain cloaked/shrouded/wrapped in mystery.丑闻的详情仍然不明/是一个谜/披着神秘的面纱。 •It's a complete mystery ( to me) that/why (= I do not understand why) she married him at all!我完全搞不懂她怎么会嫁给他! UK ['mɪs.tər.i] US [-tɚ-] noun BOOK/FILM/PLAY 书/电影/剧 countable ■a book, film or play, especially about a crime or a murder, with a surprise ending which explains all the strange events that have happened 悬疑作品;悬疑电影;推理剧•I really enjoy murder mysteries.我很爱看谋杀推理作品。 •a mystery writer侦探小说作家 |