1. Agency in general
2. Examples of types of agent
3. Creation of agency
(a) Express agreement
(b) Implied agreement
(c) Ratification
(d) Agency of necessity
(e) Capacity
(f) Delegation
4. Authority
(a) General principles
(b) Examples
5. Principal's relations with third parties
(a) General rule
(b) Apparent authority
(c) Undisclosed principal
(d) Principals and third parties: further rules
(e) Agent bribed
(,~) Agent's torts
(g) Disposition of property through agent
6. Agent's relations with third parties
(a) On the main contract
(b) Collateral contract with agent
(c) Breach of warranty of authority
(d) Restitution
(e) Tort
7. Obligations of principal and agent inter se
(a) Duties of agents
(i) Carrying out instructions
(ii) Exercise of care and skill
(iii) Loyalty
(iv) Remedies
(v) Estoppel as to principal's title
(b) Rights of agents
(i) Remuneration
(ii) Indemnity
(iii) Lien
(iv) Agent in position of unpaid vendor
8. Terrmnation of authority