1.Evolution of Academic Concerns with Transportation and Logistics
1.1 The age of the economist
1.2 Broader concerns
1.3 The logistics evolution
1.4 Conclusions
2.Perspectives on the Evolution of Logistics Thought
2.1 Literature review
2.2 Research findings: six eras
2.3 How academic programs affect logistics thought
2.4 Conclusions
3.The Evolution and Future of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
3.1 The past
3.2 The present
3.3 The future
3.4 Reflection
4.Transport Reviews--The 30th Anniversary of the Journal
4.1 The early years: the 1980s
4.2 Consolidation: the 1990s
4.3 Maturity: the 2000s
4.4 Comments and reflections
4.5 Looking ahead
5.Supply Chain Network Design
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The network design problem
5.3 The supply chain and facility location
5.4 Developmental issues in facility location
5.5 Method comparison
5.6 Conclusions
6.Relationships Among TPL Providers and Members of Supply Chains
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Supply chain management strategies
6.3 Third-party logistics
6.4 General service
6.5 Service strategies for third-party logistics providers
6.6 Matching supply chain and third-party logistics strategies
6.7 Managerial implications
7.Security-aware Logistics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Five Tenets of security-aware logistics and supply chain operation
7.3 Recent and potential regulations
7.4 A new type of smart container
7.5 Summary
8.Reverse Logistics
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Review of literature
8.3 The components of reverse-logistics systems
8.4 Conclusions
9.Green Logistics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Research purpose
9.3 Research results
9.4 Conclusions and implications
10.Green Transportation for a Green Earth
10.1 Shipping
10.2 Trucking
10.3 Air transport
10.4 Pipeline
10.5 Railway/train system
10.6 Summary
11.Global Logistics
12.The Relationship Between Logistics and Supply Chain Management
12.1 History and definitions of logistics
12.2 History and definitions of supply chain
12.3 Logistics and supply chain definitions in practice
12.4 Discussion
12.5 Conclusions
13.Supply Chain Management
13.1 Introduction to supply chain concepts
13.2 Definition of supply chain
13.3 Interest in supply chains
13.4 History of the supply chain initiative
13.5 Collaborative supply chain initiatives
13.6 What the supply chain is not
13.7 Linking the supply chain to the business strategy
14.Information Systems Development Within Supply Chain Management
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Inteorganizational information systems
14.3 Internet IOS applications
14.4 Information sharing and communication improvements
14.5 Supplier relations
14.6 Customer service improvements
14.7 Conclusions
15.Simulation in the Supply Chain Context
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The role of simulation techniques in the supply chain context
15.3 Literature survey
15.4 Survey analysis
15.5 Conclusions
16.Supply Chain Costing: An Activity-based Perspective
16.1 Introduction
16.2 ABC
16.3 Integrating supply chain and ABC
16.4 Implementation issues of ABC
16.5 Managerial implications
16.6 Implementation techniques
16.7 Conclusions
17.Supply Management and E-procurement
17.1 Introduction
17.2 The purchasing process
17.3 E-procurement
17.4 The role of e-procurement in the purchasing process
17.5 E-procurement: a caveat
17.6 The benefits of e-procurement
17.7 Making a business case for e-procurement
17.8 Economic value added (EVA)
17.9 Enter e-procurement
17.10 Limitations of EVA
17.11 Summary
lg.RFID Technologies
18.1 Introduction to RFID technology
18.2 The MIT AUTO-ID Center and EPCglobal
18.3 Process freedom and supply chain visibility
18.4 Managerial guidelines for RFID development
18.5 Conclusions
19.Centralizing Logistics Leads to Mixed Results
19.1 Delivery quality
19.2 Inventory management
19.3 Logistics costs
19.4 Structure strategically
20.Logistics Certifications
20.1 The chartered institute of logistics and transport in the UK
20.2 AST&L's certification in transportation and logistics
20.3 Professional logistician (P.Log.) designation in Canada
20.4 Institute of logistics management's certified logistics practitioner in America
21.Reading for Fun
21.1 Fifty years of excellence
21.2 CLM changes to CSCMP
21.3 A logistics nightmare
21.4 Challenges in the air cargo supply chain
21.5 Benchmarking in logistics
21.6 Synchronizing the supply chain
21.7 World logistics competitiveness ranking (2012)
21.8 RFID in the supply chain