《中国学习者对于英语动词习惯性(英文版)》主要内容包括:Chapter One: Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences,Chapter Two: The Nature of Formulaic Sequences and How to Learn and Teach Them,Chapter Three: Study Questions and Methodology,Chapter Four: Data Analyses,Chapter Five: Findings and Discussion,APPENDICES,References等。本书由刘宁主编。
Chapter One: Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences
1.1 First Language (L1) Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences
1.2 Second Language (L2) Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences
Chapter Two: The Nature of Formulaic Sequences and How to Learn and Teach Them
2.1 The Holistic and Analytic Features of Formulaic Sequences
2.2 The Transparency and Opaqueness of Formulaic Sequences
2.3 The Fixedness of Formulaic Sequences
2.4 The Processing of Formulaic Sequences
2.5 The Input of Formulaic Sequences for L2 Learners
2.6 Vocabulary Knowledge and Formulaic Sequences
2.6.1 What Is a Word?
2.6.2 What Does It Mean to Know a Word?
2.6.3 Measurement of Vocabulary Knowledge
2.6.4 Vocabulary Knowledge and Formulaic Sequences
2.7 Structural Differences Between English and Chinese Verbal Formulaic Sequences
2.8 The Effect of Classroom Instruction on the Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences
2.9 Overall Language Proficiency and Formulaic Sequences
2.10 Individual Differences and the Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences
Chapter Three: Study Questions and Methodology
3.1 Hypotheses for the Present Study and Their Operationalisations
3.2 Methodology
3.2.1 Participants
3.2.2 Instruments and Procedures Identifying the Target Verbal Formulaic Sequences The English Verbal Formulaic Sequences Pre-test, Post-test and Training Test The Vocabulary-size Pre-test and Post-test The Questionnaire Survey of the Semantic Transparency/Opaqueness of the 100 Target English Verbal Formulaic Sequences The Class Observations The Participants' Essays Survey of the Exposure to the 100 Target English Verbal Formulaic Sequences.
Chapter Four: Data Analyses
4.1 Data Analyses for the Questionnaire
4.1.1 The Participants' Knowledge of English Verbal Formulaic Sequences
4.1.2 The Participants' Report on Their Use of English Verbal Formulaic Sequences
4.1.3 The Input of English Verbal Formulaic Sequences for the Participants
4.1.4 The Output of English Verbal Formulaic Sequences of the Participants
4.1.5 Summary.
4.2 Group Differences in Overall Proficiency, Vocabulary Size and the Mastery of English Verbal Formulaic Sequences
4.2.1 Group Differences in Overall English Language Proficiency
4.2.2 Group Differences in Vocabulary Size The Vocabulary-size Pre-test The Vocabulary-size Post-test
4.2,2.3 The Vocabulary Size Increase
4.2.3 Group Differences in the Mastery of English Verbal Formulaic Sequences The English Verbal Formulaic Sequences Pre-test The English Verbal Formulaic Sequences Post-test The English Verbal Formulaic Sequences Training Test
Chapter Five: Findings and Discussion